Mory Buxner

I haven't bought a new console since the Wii, but Miiverse sounds like it's been pretty great. When I was in high school Nintendo's official Zelda forums were one of my few sources of human interaction, and I looked forward to the "event forum" Camp Hyrule every year. This sounds very much of a piece with that, and

Absolutely. It has the best overworld, of the series, which always rewards the player's curiosity and is fun to move around in even if you're not going anywhere. It has the best puzzles of the series, which don't hold your hand but are always fair. It has the most skillfully integrated story and gameplay in the

And the new Hyrule doesn't mess with The Wind Waker at all. If you're paying attention to the larger story of the whole thing, you probably already know about the multiple timelines. And if you don't, you can just enjoy it on its own, same as any of the games. I took the new species and areas as a resolution to not

You totally can and should dismiss Phantom Hourglass. It's terrible. I kept pushing through it waiting to find anything of any quality at all, but I was so disinterested that at some point I just put it down and declared that it was too tedious to keep playing. I picked it up again a year later, and found that the

I completely agree, both about Spirit Tracks' Zelda being the best, and about Spirit Tracks being the best game in the series. (Ocarina of Time had previously been my favorite game ever, so I don't say that lightly.) It's the only game where Zelda really feels like a character, and not a plot device, mostly because