That isn’t hell on earth. That is a bunch of people panicking like a bunch of cattle, simply because an engine was slowly burning.
That isn’t hell on earth. That is a bunch of people panicking like a bunch of cattle, simply because an engine was slowly burning.
Be very careful with roof venting.
There aren’t many advantages to vertical ventilation.
“see! Wired did it before! Don’t get mad at our lack of ethics! Wired did it too! Guys! Look over there at wired!”
“upgrade all your charging gear to USB-C”
“upgrade all your charging gear to USB-C”
Pictured below:
Lmfao. Idiots.
All perspectives of a non-existant simulated object relative to the material being presented on so as to be indistinguishable from viewing said object through the material as if it were a window. So yeah, it’ll do the back if your system is set up for that perspective via some crazy curved glass plane.
Fuck Linksys.
Fuck Linksys.
I think you really need to do an article on Magic Leap.
They’re having just as much as anyone. They just don’t answer the questions in your stupid surveys with any degree of honesty, because fuck your surveys.
Why would you align your limited pixels in landscape if you’re trying to capture the boat, the distance between you and the whale, and the distant whale itself??
Body scanners don’t catch things kept in somebody’s mouth. Competent guards do.
More carbon emitted each day than the entire US economy.
Considering that EVERY console in existence would be emitting gamma radiation and opening Hades portals, I think that it warrants mentioning that this one doesn’t.
“It feels a B-movie” does it?
“Method Acting” or “how I found an opportunity to utilize my unstable personality in acting and be the douchebag that I want to be without repercussions”
Troubling sign for our planet? Cause never in the last million years has there ever been a gas bubble trapped beneath mossy tundra?