
/looks for dragons

no, but i remember reassessing my friends and paring the number down to people who didn’t like limp biscuit or exploiting my money-rich friends who did like him. haha. so many free drugs from those idiots. those were the good old days, when manipulation was about getting drugs instead of propagating some sort of

rapists should get raped, 3x as violently as they raped.

no, no one gives a shit about pitchfork. they’re the aintitcool of music.

“casual misogyny,” in my world, is slapping the shit out of a female meth dealer who gives you poor product. is this what we’re talking about?

weird. i always thought of them as “one of those garbage bands for stupid people.” i was right. anyway, pitchfork is trash and so is sublime.

That’s what i’ve been saying, you fucker. i want to limit all of them, i want them gone. to me a christian is a muslim is a jew; three stupid fuckers with different skin and different books.

Muslims suck, but so do xians and jews. they are all trash people, that’s what we’re mad about.

I don’t believe most people give a shit about the deets, on account of this being a standard trashcan vr game with barely any substance. speaking of barely, this is barely the first time i’ve heard of this game. my point is this is the first time i’ve ever had any interest in this prettification of old timey game

lol, this stupid asshole though “whiskeyjack” was a good idea

hey, i’m just saying what’s worked for me. what you are talking about is the narrative the powerful seeded among the weak; don’t stab, don’t fight back. let the law handle it. don’t make me laugh. oh, too late, i’m laughing.

quit shitting on the 90s. The 90s was a brief reprieve from the sociopathic drive of humankind, a larval last ditch effort to extol the positives of extinction like a caterpillar on the tomato plant of culture, between the sanctification of psychopathy of the 1980s and the contemporary results of that final decade.

things will be better once people start stabbing their enemies again. we have become too soft and softness lets monsters rule.

i didn’t read this but i’ve been groped before. carry a knife and grope back is all i know to say. take care of your fucking selves because monsters are all around, but they bleed just fine.

I freed myself from .HEIC and other silly apple shit by getting an Android. Apple is christianity, android is daoism

I don’t get it, either. Tolerance for religions is nonsense. Liberals love muslims yet they throw gays from roofs. Liberals hate redneck baptists because they drag gays behind pickup trucks. The shitkicker redneck baptist and the dirty desert muslim are one and the same. I don’t mind the jews, they’ve got a lot of

but you’re paying for the experience. or should i say, “yOu’Re pAyiNg foR thE exPeriEncE”

/falls asleep looking at skins

Same. I’m not happy about much of their live action output. Steve Brule is the exception but I think that had mostly to do with JC Reilly’s performance. The next wave of shit like million dollar million dollars etc. and whatever that unwatchable show with the guy wearing the balaclava was called really did me in. I

Oh shit, you’re right, I had blocked that tragedy from my mind. Hate intensifies