
What do you do?

What does recognizing privelage do? Should I spend my life fighting your battles? Maybe you should stop bemoaning your obviously terrible fate in life and just live your fucking life.

It’s a movie based on a novel based on a person. Fiction that someone thought would make money. That’s it. Nothing more and not socially pivotal.

Jesus, get over yourself. We get it. Your some poor, down trodden, woc and we are all flighty privlaged white women. People like you perpetuate and encourage maintaining racial divides. You separate everyone into categories so you have an excuse for your failures.

And I am glad to hear that you are comfortable with your decision to interject your moral views into the lives of others—just as Jesus would have done.

Do they tho? I didn’t drink milk as a child. My brothers and I are all super healthy. From what I’ve read milk drinking was forced upon the American public as source of cheap protien during ww1 rationing and the depression. It is also supposed to provide vitamins but other than calcium which is more readily absorbed