
Yes. Decidedly. Watched initially and then just couldn’t any more. Total trainwreck.

That was the most casual assault and battery ever.

+1 above-average child

What infuriates me about these protesters is that they have no idea how things work in the real world. “Divest!” Like that’s even possible at this point. It’s dumb and even laughable if it weren’t so tragic.

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

They should just be glad that someone is watching this game.

More like Slaytanists!!!!

IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way