Buttsoup Barnes

trivandrum,kerala.sorry for the late reply

fuuuck aziz ansari is walking around in my hometown in India and can't seem to find him fuuckkk

anyone but Tasha…hated her condescending "Keith getting to the end would be a disservice to the fans " speech

you forgot sad

Any Survivor fans up in this hizzy ? Who are you rooting for tonight?

The Leftovers getting some good reviews <3 <3

to call it painful would be putting it nicely

wait so just because Todd likes the show makes him a biased fanboy? He likes The Sopranos and Breaking Bad too but by your logic,no one should read his reviews because he's biased towards it?

season quality definitely played a part….that's why nobody from Redemption Island/South Pacific/One World got voted in.

copy/pasted from my reply to another comment

why do you say that?

Jeff Varner had supposedly made pre-game alliances with 2 groups of people - Terry/Wigglesworth/Vytas and Spencer/Shirin/Kelley.Unfortunately for him,all his pre game alliances ended up on the same tribe.

sorry dude but no one with a brain will let Spencer get to the end..mid/late jury at best.

How could you hate Rodger,Tina and Mad Dog?

I think people need to realize Vytas was voted out due to his connections in both tribes..not because he was being too creepy,which the editors probably used as a way to cover up pre-game alliances.

I just watched the Hannibal finale…holy shitballs!

controversial(?) opinion: they really need to sign a better striker than Giroud

last week tonight may have created the greatest sex ed video ever

OK. Now make 'em cry. But happy cry.
Now make 'em all make fun of the blonde one
Now make 'em all do it on the table
Can't believe you created a whole show for me
Now cancel it
OK, now put it back on
Ha ha!
alright. Now I'm bored.

finally finished reading The Martian.A terrific read.