
That alone makes me want to stay on my consoles. I HATE having to backtrack on previous saves because something gliched out on me(Fallout 3 and NV were terrible, to the point I wouldn’t use VATS for fear it’d freeze and I’d be three hours back in progress).

I’ll take the glass houses approach here with the Japanese govenment denying the atrocities they committed against the Korean and Chinese people, especially their enslaving of women. Japan isn't innocent at all, and at least we admit dropping the bombs was fucked. Also, my love of Ghibli films has died over the years,

5th gear: As a fan of classic Nissan/Datsun I’d like to know where this trial is going. As for hiring someone why not Ken Saito? He already writes for the site.

I started working out and drastically changed my diet recently. I’m trying to eat mostly veggies and fruit, with some lean protein like chicken and tree nuts. So far I’m just really hungry all the time, but I haven’t noticed anything odd as the article suggests. I’m also not subscribing to any ‘diet,’ just not eating

The F1 has onboard computer systems to manage it's engine, doesn't it? That makes it a non-analog car in my opinion. As for the Celica and Supras, I honestly never see them on the road, I still ocassionally see a Z roadworthy, but that's my experience.

I see the F1 as the pinacle of supercars simply because it’s an NA, and the F40 right below as it’s the last great analog supercar. As for cars peopke can actually afford? Datsun 240Z, the right balance of power, handling, subdued while agressive body lines, and affordability on an analog platform.

That’s because normal people aren’t Real People

I work in semiconductor manufacturing and can confirm stuff like this happens all the time to our toolsets. They are expected to run 24/7/365 without error and with minimal maintenance, and it fails all the time. That, and the bean counters aren't too fond of the idea of redundancies as our tools cost in the millions

Decent Lemons runner too

Perfect for a Lemons runner if it wasn't 9x over the spending limit

I don’t but it’s more that I’m worried about being liable for any damages I caused by being an idiot. My own cars? Fuck it, I'll hoon them all day. At least it's my ride to trash.

Sorry, my question was more where the deaths were reported from. I’d assume most were from developing nations where vacination rates are lower.

Where are those death statistics coming from?

It irritates me that I work with a gentleman in his 70's who is anti vax. The man has lived to see polio eradicated in his lifetime and still belives this anti vax garbage. 

True, but my fat came from overeating and being perpetually lethargic for my whole life, which I don’t want anymore. If you’re comfortable as you are or are struggling with accepting yourself, I’ve been at both stages and things can get better.

I played my first copy of New Vegas long enough to crack the disc

While I agree with your sentiment(I myself am a fat man and have been for my whole life) a recent picture really changed my mind about remaining this way. It took me my lifetime to be comfortable with who and how I am, and this picture destroyed it.

I saw him play at the Pepsi Center back in December. That man, and his team, deserve all the recognition andcawards they won. Seriously, the man had a live backing band play his music while he rapped, most rappers just do it over a beat track and call it good. Plus he can entertain, there wasn’t a single dull moment af

Why not go extra crazy and throw in a Chrystler slant six?

Most men are dumbasses then, it's the most inticing act of sex for me personally