
“can sail halfway around the world without refueling” - I’d like to point out it doesn’t sail anywhere - it motors. In a true doomsday scenario a boat with a mast or two would be capable of sailing as many times around the world as you so choose without ever needing to refuel. Lame-o’s and your diesel-powered

Someone needs to start a gofundme so these two can take their ASA106 course before trying this again...

My first thought was of Lisa Blair who, while solo circumnavigating Antartica earlier this year, broke her mast in the middle of the night during a squall, repaired it, and made it safely to Cape Town. There was a severe lack of skill displayed with these two women.

I’d like to say, as a dude who is employed by a bicycle company, and who wants nothing more than to own a 600 Multipla, your assessment is correct. Though I would say that recumbent riders are the absolute worst followed closely by triathletes, and ElliptiGO riders are actually pretty great people.