
As someone who rides it daily, it sure is. I have no familiarity with BART but DC metro sucks something hard, and their PR strategy is usually “downplay everyone’s complaints.” They just shut down for 29 hours yesterday and found something like 30 locations where the track/cabling had degraded to life-threatening

I know someone who works at Quantic Dream. Their assumption that David Cage does not walk into a room and make spontaneous demands is too generous.

Yeah. I feel like (with people like me at least) Valve is in a “damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t” situation. If they didn’t change/evolve the game as much as they do, I probably would have lost interest after awhile. But because they supported the crap out of it, it stopped being the thing I liked. Even though

Be prepared for some...changes haha I played for about 2 years or so after it came out (basically when the first wave of class updates/ alternate weapons released). I logged on a few months ago and it was almost unrecognizable. On the one hand, it’s hard to fault Valve for continuing to support, update, and evolve a

This looks like some of the most videogame shit that has ever videogamed.

I heartily agree. Fast traveling can quickly turn the game into a blitz of forgettable locations and junk-nabbing. It tends to make me stop appreciating the world and focus more on quest-clearing and box-ticking. I try to avoid using it whenever possible, or when I do I fast travel to somewhere that’s close but not