
Tucker Carlson is that freshman I get every semester who is thoroughly convinced that they do not need to take Rhetorical Composition, because, “I’m a very logical person.”

...he is the same freshman who is astounded every semester when their first draft comes back marked up with fifteen to twenty rhetorical fallacies

I’ve never met a libertarian that wasn’t some pot smoking gun nut that doesn’t want to admit to being a Conservative.

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

Or it could be a perfect opportunity to gaze into the rotten core of our soul as a nation and do something meaningful about gun control instead of just accepting that we need dystopian drills like this in the first place.

I’m pretty sure this is Ben when he claims he’s working:

I don’t get the whole need to repeatedly rank sexual assault, as though it matters? “Well, marrying an underage girl isn’t as bad as kidnapping a girl at a bus stop, and groping a woman at a bar isn’t as bad as groping a woman at work, blah blah blah.” What’s the psychology there? Do they think people don’t know the

This made my day too!!! :)

Sen. Flowers family and my family are acquainted - my mother grew up in the same municipality and ran in the same social circles. The ladies who were my mother’s friends and acquaintances are confident, educated, intelligent and didn’t take anything from anybody - regardless of who it is. My mother was that way. Sen.

James Carville’s Evil Mirror Universe Twin Wrestles Pudgy, Dumber Ben Affleck for Dominance in Homoerotic Display for Jaundiced Baron Harkonnen. Film at 11.

Bro do you even know what it’s like here in the grays? Don’t stand on your black pedestal and say you’re the same as me. Don’t run a comment system of injustice and tell me to be mad at celebrities. You don’t know our pain, and I’m sure you don’t care to, oblivious to what it’s like, to how I feel.

“Hey Ben. You’re black. You must know about the urban life and public housing. How about I make you HUD Secretary?”

Turns out thoughts and prayers are just as worthless at bringing back people killed by a tornado as they are at bringing back people killed in mass shootings. 

“We want to pay them less, why are you against them having jobs?”

This is so infuriating. His reasoning for not paying people a living wage is that they’re going to school as though they don’t need money to afford that. People can’t afford to go to school making 15 an hour let alone 7 this is disgusting.

And Spike Lee is in it.

Louder, for the MAGAts in the back.

Causation has a pretty easy logical track to it. The most powerful man in the United States (by virtue of occupying the office of POTUS) continuously refers to the press as “the enemy of the people” at rally-style events specifically held to whip his base into a frothing frenzy of


LOL. America can go to eleven.

I grew up in Vermont, I now live a 30 minute drive from Raleigh. I’ve been to Canadians games, Rangers games, Bruins games, and a few Sharks games. All world class environments for hockey (even San Jose, honest!).