
No, you're thinking of Snake Plissken.

Barney. Barney! WE GOT BARNEY HERE!

Schindler's Fist

Damn it feels good to be a Lannister

I guess this is growing up, Internet.

That was my interpretation of the breakfast comment, but I guess I wasn't bringing enough defensiveness and high-roading with me to this comment section.



Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times. We call that a 'Hat Trick.'"

Is that a fucking e-cigarette?

My favorites on Netflix instant:
Josh Groban
Anna Kendrick
Zoe Saldana
Ed Helms (and Bob Ducca!)
The Casey Wilson musical ep

I didn't think of that. Scott also failed to mention, along with Gertie and Magpie, his daughter Stacey from the Jason Schwartzman episode.

Lauren Lapkus is my favorite CB!B! guest. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the next six months hoping Ho Ho (Ho Ho!) makes an appearance on the TV show's next Christmas episode.

S.S. I Love You

It was a nematode. Koo-loo-ka-koooooo~!

I apologize for nothing!

I think my favorite variation of this bit is Soap or Dope. When he tells the Goulie "get out of here, this show is for PEOPLE!" cracks me up every time.

It's also very similar to season 3's Winner or Sinner. I'm almost convinced they wrote this new sketch JUST for that The Cell joke, and I'm okay with this.

And please, don't flush sanitary napkins down the toilet.

"He even ends up with the 17-year-old at the end (thanks, Wikipedia)!"