
Yeah, better all the work they did never sees the light of day.

Yay! The employees are all out of work with no severance or health insurance, but I get my video game!

I live in California, as do most of my friends. However, I have a private HMO (Kaiser) and my birth story versus my uninsured friend who went to a public hospital are like night and day — I got a private room, constant monitoring, frequent check-ups, etc etc; she didn’t, to say the least. I’m completely unsurprised by

Holy shit. Thank God you survived.

I had ppcm with my third child, too. I had swelling and shortness of breath. I went for my 4 week checkup. I saw two fill in primary care doctors (my regular doctor was out of town) diagnose me with bronchitis and atypical pneumonia. I even had a check up for the hole in my heart with my cardiologist. I kept telling

I’m a male so can’t speak for my wife or other women, but my wife and I applaud people who make the decision - for whatever reason - to not have kids unless it’s something they truly desire. I/we feel like there are so many people out there who feel obligated to have kids because that’s what adults do only to not

Are we top in the world in anything but the size of our economy and military? Don’t think so.

But I thought healthcare in the US was the best in the world because capitalism?

looks like right’s war on women is going just the way they want. Only the “good” women get to live.

I was weeks away from giving birth when ProPublica and NPR did a huge expose on maternal mortality during and after childbirth.

This makes me so angry. I’m 35 wks and I’m super lucky that (thus far) I’ve had a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy and I have good insurance, and OB I trust, and live in a place where I’ll be delivering in a “world class” medical center 15 mins away from my house. But with everything I’ve read lately about maternal

We’re #1!

I told my doctors and anesthesiologists and nurses that I did not tolerate the epidural well last time and in general anesthesia affected me differently (which I knew from surgeries and had medical professionals tell me, along with attributing it to my red hair) I coded on the table during my second c section and then

It almost happened to me. The medication that was given to me to try to stop preterm birth made me go into respiratory failure. I spent two days in ICU on a vent. The worst part: the lactation consultant trying to guilt my husband to pump my breasts while I was in a medically induced coma, you know, when I couldn’t

NPR and ProPublica did a really great, long-term look into why this is happening. It’s deeply troubling.

I’ve read/heard somewhere years ago; “The most dangerous medical condition for women is pregnancy.” Which is what makes the ‘pro-life’ (anti Roe v Wade) movement head-slam enraging when reading how these numbers continue to worsen (in the US). Take some of that extra energy and thought and put it toward this you

So glad to live in a country with the best healthcare in the WORLD!!!!! #MAGA

Honey you write for Gawker

Somewhat ralated, there is a book by a UK political comedian Mark Thomas called "As used on the famous Nelson Mandela" because he was at an arms fair and that was the phrase a company used to market shackles, this is in the 2000's

I don't get the big deal. Its a historical artifact that some people who collect such things may wish to have. Do you think it should be destroyed? Do you think it should only be able to be owned by a state run museum?