Where's the boobs?
Where's the boobs?
Calm down.
Slurping extra hard
But the police are just doing their jobs. Protect us from these scary thugs.
Another BvS bash thread io9 still made they didn't get premier invites or did Zack Synder Fuck your bitch? lmao
Hopefully this isn't as bad as The Trash Awakens.
Judge basically said sit you entitled cry baby ass down.
Go Bernie
Uhhhhh it's not real lol
Can't wait for Craptain Amurica to die in this.
Fuck Facebook
Too bad the movie was still trash.
“That said, “more grounded” is not the route we want to see The Tick go down. We would prefer it if this show was, like, Dalí-levels of surreal. Played as seriously as The Dark Knight. That would be fabulous.”
“Sigh. You just went in already hating it, didn’t you?
Most of those d list celebs pay for followers on IG
Jews gonna jew.
This idiot put Avengers as number one? Over spider man 2, 89 batman, and The dark Knight?
Because it didn't have any batmang or supermang
No nobody wants that fruity booty shit