
I actually just watched this in my Business 482 (Strategic Management) class last week. A bit strange that we watched it just a week before he passed. I'm sure it will be a topic of discussion for a bit as my teacher was anxiously waiting for the iPhone 5. I'm not much of a Apple fan, but without Jobs, MS probably

Pretty much my thought too.

Personally, I know people are saying "Well it can be turned off, so why does it matter, the price is lower now." Well, thats fine now, but still. The price could have been better from the start. Every time I go to a Target/GS/Etc. I check out what game is on demo. Each no, no matter if its Ocarina, Star Fox, or

My clone! Purchase two, one for me, and one for yourself, which is essentially me. :D

Redbox is becoming my go-to service for movies. However, we still have Family Video stores in this area, and I don't mind them at all and will use them more so for games and old movies.

"now" he feels like it? What do u mean "now"? Do you not remember when they were re-released in theaters back in the late 90s' and he changed it so that the explosions were more epic, and that Greedo shoots first, etc? He's been messing with HIS movies for well over a decade.

I think you should be able to record cops and other things all you want. I know there isn't MUCH corruption (bit of sarcasm), but take for example this:

You know, people rip on The Wizard, SMBSS, Zelda Cartoon, and the SMB movie, but all of these I LOVE. Sure, most of it is pretty horrible, but so were most shows I watched as a kid, doesn't stop me from enjoying them now. With The 90s' Are All That on TeenNick, I'm getting to rewatch shows I grew up with, and most the

Well excuuuuse me, wild7s! I liked the Zelda cartoon.

I guess this pushes a few more units toward people who have trouble deciding which console to get it on if they have both, but I'd still like to see figures on this. Does it really make THAT much of a difference? I'll get the game no matter what because I have a PS3 and therefore you're just delaying me from giving

Yes it is...it's quite illegal there. It's legal somewhere outside Reno at places like the Bunny Ranch.

When I was two, my family got an NES for Christmas. I don't have vivid memories of my first game, being 2, however my parents always told me this story:

While I'd love to know the game would be able to actually run on my PS3 (unlike the crapshot I have with my PC), I worry about using a controller on a game that I've become accustomed to using a KB/M. Please Blizzard, if you do port it on the PS3, ADD IN KB/M SUPPORT! And don't lie and say it can't be done because I

She is absolutely gorgeous, it's just too bad that those are probably contacts making her eyes that blue. Check out her other photos where she plays Poison Ivy from Batman. Amazing.

Shouldn't the chainsaw blade go the other way? I'm no Gears expert, but I highly doubt an effective saw like that would have the points going away, not into, the victim

Did anybody think of Scorched Earth when they saw the picture? ....does anyone even remember that game besides me? I loved it.

Myers would just suck to be honest. His character is statistically slow, and making him fast would take away from his character. Plus he doesn't really have much of an element that would make it fit for "special powers", vs. FK is a dream character that could do these things. Jason and Pinhead would be awesome.

NO way. Looks absolutely disgusting and there is no way of getting rid of something like that.

Why can't I have my move Star Wars game? Move in one hand, nav controller in the other. I think this would work great. I mean...the move light up to whatever lightsaber color you have? FUCK YES PLEASE.

I thought about that, but being in pursuit of my business degree, I don't think that would look good in any situation. Whats why I'm thinking leg as most the time I'll be in a suit where you can't see my legs. I wanted originally to do something near my ankle, but I've heard it hurts like none other so I don't think