
@soldstatic: Well as cool as that would be, it would be a pain in the ass to change the piece every time (otherwise thats really unsanitary), not to mention, the sensor has to be recalibrated about every 10 times, so after less than an hour of drunken people, the readings would start to decline in accuracy.

Don't any of these people have jobs, school, or lives?! Geez...

@jcat561: There's no irony there. These guys are there for free shit; soccer moms aren't going to wait 72 hrs for something! For all you know, they're just going to sell it. Where have you EVER seen a "soccer mom" wait at midnight for a game related product? I've been to tons and never seen one. I may have seen a few

@Michael Pian: The Tale of Orpheo's Curse!!!! That game was crazy fun! Love the show, loved the game. It was HARD though, I even replayed it recently and I still got stuck. I hated when thing chased you! Scared the crap out of me.

I think I just heard billions of mice, gerbils and hamsters cry out. What will they chew through now?!

I've been a GAP member for almost 7 years, so I hope I get early access to test it out. Hopefully it's worth it.

@AnyColour: @OctaneHugo: Airliner Pilot of DOOM: Thank you both.

This is mine, took me over 4 hrs to do. I've never spent that much time on a pumpkin, totally worth it in the end.

My gf and I are both sooo excited, she actually said we're going to go get it at Walmart at midnight. (No other places are open at midnight like Gamestop). I can't wait!

@warchief_zuljin: Idk where you're from, but the Keyboard is like $80 and the pro guitar is like $150. It's still a lot but even though people are tight on money, we still buy shit we don't need. Also, in RB3 you have the ability to rate songs, and ones that you don't like won't come up in mystery setlists ever, so

@Azel: I totally would.

@vidhagans: Please go watch the movie.

@Bricked: May I see your credit card?

I don't know why but the art style in this game bugs me. Kirby isn't yarn! Sure they kind of tried this with Paper Mario, but I didn't enjoy that either. Maybe its just me, but I'm not interested in this game, especially since my favorite part about Kirby was his ability to ingest enemies and take their powers!

@VincentGrey: I convinced my parents to make it an early bday present (more than 1 month in advanced). I just didn't want it to be the 26th and no keyboards are in ANY store, especially since my gf has wanted a KB in rock band since she started playing however long ago. It really is a solid instrument and we both

@VincentGrey: I got my keyboard yesterday and can't stop fiddling with it even though I can't really do anything with it. haha