@TheIsanta: Legend of Zelda?
@TheIsanta: Legend of Zelda?
@RagingManChild: Yes, but you're only "saving" like 95 Cents, which is just going to apply back into another subscription you're going to buy. Are you really going to invest that money or realize the saving potential? Probably not.
Who's really going to use those free 7 days? Most people that I know that have XBL buy it per year, it's not like you can buy 358 days, for a few cents less.
@gamerguy2002: You must not know Ebay...I'm on there right now, and none are going for more than $30. Idk what you're talkin about
It's not THAT horrible, especially if you plug in a kb/mouse. sure flash is limited, but still, i find shows and movies on my browser all the time on my PS3 and it works great. I don't know what MS is talking about.
I wrote an entire college essay on the effects of violent games on kids. In my research, it's almost impossible to lay a kids problems on video games alone. The main problem isn't in the kids either; it's the parents. One thing I was taught when I was younger was very simple for a kid to understand: It's just a video…
@EdgarJPublius: Agreed. I'm selling my MW2 on ebay because I've 100% it and I'm just flat out sick of it. I'm just saying the PS3 version of TOB is terrible; poor frame rate, no DLC, its not worth it. Sad really, I loved all the games on there, but on the PS3 its just a terrible port.
@EdgarJPublius: *As long is it's not the PS3 version.
@Lozmaster: I sure as hell won't. I'm on the fence about selling it. I sold COD4 and I regretted it because its a game I can just pick up and enjoy, but this just wore off in a month.
I got this game for about $14 at a Best Buy that was closing its store around me. It's really a great improvement from the first PS3 Buzz.
@Vizion28: Why is that a fail? I rarely notice that my wiimote is making any sort of noise.
@HickorySwitch: Thank you for being civil and admitting your mistake. It is a bit appalling, but I still, personally, think it looks cool overall. It's unique. For some reason, I think it would be awesome to have these glowing orbs around you as you're playing. Don't know why. Just seems cool. Haha.
@Playindreams: Yup. I hated on the Wii for years but finally picked it up at a used media store in Milwaukee, and have really enjoyed it, but for more games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros, as well as the VC. I'm really excited for games with the Move because it looks a lot more precise and interactive. Sure, Motion+…
@Hongo: Exactly. Sony is on top of their game, I'm sure a few pieces of crap will slip by, but what system doesn't have crap on it already? Need I remind everyone of how horrible Haze was?
You know, I find it annoying about all the comments about "yay more shovelware" and crap. If developers want to put that crap out there, just let them. It's their loss, you dont have to buy it. Sony, unlike Nintendo, has a bunch of great first-party and 3rd party developers whom won't be saturating the market with a…
@HickorySwitch: No, you need to look at how the damn technology works. The EYE tracks the wand by use of the bright light (depth, location, etc). Everything inside the controller tracks acceleration and orientation. It needs to be that sphere as it projects the colored light best and it's easiest to read. if it were…
@SlashZaku: Yes, i was watching an interview on gamespot and they said u can do a wide variety of customization from skinny to fat etc.
@akorynn: Well, they're just dumb then. Those are probably the same people who throw their controllers too.
@RawrSpoon: But in that case, EVERYTHING is a "me too" thing. Microsoft entering the console race could me a "me too" thing. Without people piggy-backing off other ideas, a lot of modern innovations would never have existed. Who cares if they're trying to cash in, they're a damn business; their goal IS to make money.…
@akorynn: Why? You're not moving it around like you are the nunchuck on the Wii so there is really no need for a tether.