
@Hongo: Exactly. Sony is on top of their game, I'm sure a few pieces of crap will slip by, but what system doesn't have crap on it already? Need I remind everyone of how horrible Haze was?

You know, I find it annoying about all the comments about "yay more shovelware" and crap. If developers want to put that crap out there, just let them. It's their loss, you dont have to buy it. Sony, unlike Nintendo, has a bunch of great first-party and 3rd party developers whom won't be saturating the market with a

@HickorySwitch: No, you need to look at how the damn technology works. The EYE tracks the wand by use of the bright light (depth, location, etc). Everything inside the controller tracks acceleration and orientation. It needs to be that sphere as it projects the colored light best and it's easiest to read. if it were

@SlashZaku: Yes, i was watching an interview on gamespot and they said u can do a wide variety of customization from skinny to fat etc.

@akorynn: Well, they're just dumb then. Those are probably the same people who throw their controllers too.

@RawrSpoon: But in that case, EVERYTHING is a "me too" thing. Microsoft entering the console race could me a "me too" thing. Without people piggy-backing off other ideas, a lot of modern innovations would never have existed. Who cares if they're trying to cash in, they're a damn business; their goal IS to make money.

@akorynn: Why? You're not moving it around like you are the nunchuck on the Wii so there is really no need for a tether.

@Quote: If thats what companies what to produce, then fine, let them. There will still be a steady stream of games that are casual, but still a blast to play (golf, tennis etc) along with games that implement it for the hardcore like they are with Socom and the gladiator game.

@Quote: I'm not just excited about the table tennis, its just seems like a better system overall. I don't like the Wii because its not a precise as we initially thought. Sure I own one, but thats for other games that doesnt use it as much.

@HickorySwitch: Well then it wouldn't work like it should...or really anything beyond a Sixaxis.

@Quote: I hate to disagree, but ppong on the wii with motion+ is not that great. I hate that I cant back-hand a shot without it going off the table, even if I in no way aim in that direction. Or hell, I try and flip my stance around, and it takes it as I'm swinging. Super annoying. And don't even start me on the

Will there be any video of the event? It would be a let down to hear something awesome was shown, then see nothing but a few pics.

@grumbel: You pretty much stated every question I had about this article. The scene they show Jabu Jabu's Belly...and then I thought about it...how the hell does someone beat those bosses blind?! Ok, maybe if someone was...wait...he was getting emails?! I thought hes was blind. Oh wait they were read...but how the

Go Brewers! I wish they'd offer at least 1 per team. I'd like to show love for the Brew Crew....screw the Twins. :)

@jcb231: Download firmware via internet and install it with a USB thumb drive.

@drdentz: Pretty much. I've seen people on the forums outraged because none of their accounts work.

@phatdog44: Actually you can get banned.

@Cloral: I thought the Wii was a joke for years. I finally picked one up and haven't really regretted it. Motion+ is a step in the right direction, but its not perfect; thus I'm more excited for Arc as I think it'll work a ton better. But whatever you like; to each their own. :)