@fencermusashi: Thank you sir!!! I got a code but it didn't work for some reason.
@fencermusashi: Thank you sir!!! I got a code but it didn't work for some reason.
If I could only find 10 Gold Skultulas, I'd get my Adult Wallet and I could bet 100 more rupees, or better yet a Giant's Wallet....but then I need 30 of them. *sigh* I hate being a kid, sometimes I just wish I could rest for 7 years and be an adult! Adults have all the fun!
@walls99: If you've been paying attention, most companies are jumping off the shovelware bandwagon as it isn't selling for crap. You can't give it away. This is why only AAA games are the main sellers/played games on the Wii month after month.
@xone9: Well the system is called the Playstation3, short-named PS3, but that's not what you're going for. I don't know anyone who calls the Wiimote anything shorter other than Remote. So your argument is flawed.
@Hey_Blinkon: But if not for me, imagination land would be gone forever. I imagined more machine guns for Jesus and Colgate Toothpaste against the Cavities. I also reimagined the entire kingdom when it was destroyed....
@Hey_Blinkon: I will kill the time-child, and eat his end trails on my tummy!
I haven't had Disk Swapping since I played games back on like my old 98' PC and games were still on CD-ROMs, and you needed like 6 of them. I know it's not THAT annoying to some people, but personally I wouldn't like to have to swap disks; especially in this generation of gaming.
Funny they say that you can't have drug use in a song or else it won't be allowed because it warrants an M-rating...yet....
I actually watched this a few weeks ago, and was quite happy with it. Sure, it wasn't perfect by any means, but they did a good job of basing a movie around Ocarina of Time in under 2 hours. There were also a lot of game references that I don't think many people would have gotten without playing the game itself. I…
I saw a portable NES and a portable Sega Genesis that was only like $40 at a local used movie/cd/game store. Why the hell would anyone pay $700 for this thing? Especially with no L/R buttons? Idiot.
I'm excited to watch this. If it's anything like his last DVD special, this is going to be hilarious!
@hot_heart: really? He was super easy. Just duck and kick. He won't get a single hit on you.
@SuicidalEarthworm: Well...you pay $50 a year for XBL.... PSN is free. So basically, you're not only paying that $50 for online, its for the avatars they have. Hell, they charge for your damn character clothes and avatars. So why are you calling Sony a fucker for doing the same thing, all while offering a FREE online…
@Kenology18: Imagine all you want, it's not going to happen.
@RockyRan: Pfft, I have mine hooked up at all times. Along with my NES/Sega console, SNES, Wii and PS3. Sure I have to switch composite cables until i get a switch, but it's always more awesome for people to come over and see my gf and mines collection of systems....
@Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.: ...oh hamburgers...
@pinecone2654: Haha, I just took that pic today, so the alcohol is still there. Not exactly the classiest/expensive bottles, but it gets the job done.
@buttersstotch: For those too lazy to click the link
It looks like what my girlfriend and I do with perler beads....minus the glow...
Well at least I know Capcom will have trophies for this one...unlike last time where they said they were coming but never did.....liars....