
Any word if this will ever come to the PS3? :( I was just talkin to my friend about having Tanks. Damn...

@moose39: he is! I was following his account because he would post weekly DLC charts. All this copyright bullshit is so stupid. What the fuck is the point of taking down a video, of a video game? It's not like we can play it or anything. It's not as if (if I was going to) I wouldn't buy the game because I can watch

@hot_heart: Haha it's such a crude translation too.

@hot_heart: venati, oculi vomicai, vici

@SuperSonik's Souls: I was wondering the same thing, how are the arms supported? maybe they're empty and glued together

@OoiSaru: I can see it now, you pedal on the bike, and the wiimote is your "paper" and you have to "throw" them at the right time.

Hmm... spend $200 + probably another $150 for this beast, to simulate biking...or spend $100 on an actual bike, and enjoy real scenery and the great outdoors....hmm....

Why wouldn't this fly in the states? We already have "Kiddie Champagne", sure it's just sparking grape-juice, but that's what most people call it. This is really no different. As long as kids don't think they can crack open an actual beer anytime, it's not really a huge problem.

@VenomIreland: It's 18 in Ireland. I have a friend who's under 21 there now, and he's drinking all the time. You can actually legally drink at 14 as long as you're in a private home/residence.

Link. I've been playing the original Zelda since I was about 3 or 4. I love those games, and will continue to for the rest of my life. Nothing reminds me more of my childhood than Zelda.

Looks cool, but had the Wii had this from Day 1, I would probably own one. But it's 3 years too late for me, I'm just going to wait for Sony's Motion Controller. I only have to spend probably under $60, vs $200 for a Wii, then a bunch more for Motion+ and extra controllers, etc. I'd much rather just use what I already

My friend has the demo on his PSP (given it's all in Japanese), and the game looks fantastic and seems to be a lot of fun. Can't wait to for this game to come out.

@mistajeff44: Then why not just use a controller if you're going to nit-pick that much.

I knew Sony wasn't stupid, and they're going to make a nunchuck-esk controller. I figured the DS3 option was just to save some money, but it's good to hear that there will be another option for people who want it.

@ObZen: Once again, I've said this before, if you take out the bulb, you a left with a very stripped down Sixaxis. The camera NEEDS to be able to track this thing at ever angle. If it wasn't the way it is, it wouldn't work well at all.

@Gelver Aragon: I can't imagine sony would really think using a DS3 would be perfect. I tried, it and although its not HORRIBLE to hold a DS3 with one hand, it's not natural. So my guess is either Sony, or some 3rd party dev is going to come out with a controller similar to the nunchuck with a single analog stick and

@heretrix: Still, *insert name here* at E3 stated, and I quote "With an all new graphics engine, running at 60fps, Forza 3 is the best looking racing game on any console". If you're going to make a claim like that, you better back it up. No, graphics do NOT make the game, but if you tout it as the "best looking",

@bkchurch: Your argument about Sony is quite dumb. First of, heavens forbid you wait 2 days, are you really gonna die because of it? Secondly, for all you know, that's the only day that Sony can schedule weekly store updates, and that tuesdays are way too inconvenient for them.

@Derigor: Well without it, you just have a stripped down sixaxis. If you have a better idea, go into the industry yourself and do better. I think it's very innovative to use a ball of light that a camera can track in terms of 3D space, and then the accelerometers and gyro-spheres track the orientation. If there was a