I must say I am very impressed with what Sony is doing with motion controllers and can't wait for Part 3 next week and more info at TGS in a few weeks.
I must say I am very impressed with what Sony is doing with motion controllers and can't wait for Part 3 next week and more info at TGS in a few weeks.
@Antiterra: It's not like Sony just mistakenly put those boxes there. Right now they may look terrible and pointless, but I'm sure they'll lead the way to new gamer-esk cards with much more information and stats about each user.
@N●Gage Croal: But the PS3 can connect to the PSP.
Yay I got in for once!!!! Sadly, the 2GB "update" is moving slower than anything I've ever downloaded, and I have a good connection. Usually about 500kbs (if I didn't screw that up). It's going to be a long night for me... *sigh* And on top of that, I've gotten a bunch of "Download Error" messages.
I would care, if they actually put more than one fuckin game out a year. I mean really, L4D2? Are they they fuckin lazy? It's been how long since HL2:E2 came out? Not to mention, I bought TOB. And you could tell they just didnt give a shit. The game played horribly and really made me upset. I pretty much find Valve to…
@Sheen_Latrine: Really? Just because its not on disk doesn't mean they won't ever release it. I doubt they would do that. Seriously, all those tracks are classics, I love them all. Are those the only two songs you really care about?
@gold163 BLOOD HEAT: I could. I own it. Yes, it's pretty terrible, but who cares? Sometimes it's fun to watch terrible movies and poke fun at them. I own The Wizard as well. Also a terrible movie, but they're still fun to watch and wonder "wtf were they thinking?!" and laugh at the stupidity of it all. So, overall,…
Ok, still a major petpeeve of mine: Why the hell aren't there straps in these games? The guitars always just float there like the player is somehow suspending them with their stomach. It's nothing major but still, is it really that hard to draw it in there? Espicially after how many games.
I'm really excited for the PS3 Motion Controller. I think it'll add a lot to games in the future. I never got a Wii because it didn't control like this motion controller does. Sure, with Motion+ it does, but I'm not dropping more money on a console/controllers/add-ons when all I need is a the new wand.
What? Zombies and no "Time of the Season"?! Damn.
@Fernando Paramo:Sony has a better moves... FFXIII and a price drop. Those'll skyrocket the PS3 sales.
Eh, Favre got his title last year. Still pissed me off that people wanted to be "accurate" and printed off a photoshopped pic of him in a Jets jersey when he was the Packers QB for 16 friggin seasons. *sigh*
Go Brewers! Woo! Season opener today!
I'm still wondering how this is going to play. Do we need to buy an accessory for it like GH:OT?
Eh, a great game like this deserves to be played on PC/PS3/360. I'll wait for Bioshock 2.
My gf and I were JUST talking about this the other day and thought it would be awesome to see in Rock Band! I hope it happens!
@TRT-X: That or some Weird Al.
Really Activision? What's next? I'm afraid to ask. /facepalm
@joec0ld: Rock Band isn't whoring itself by using every instrument resource possible. There's no point to release a singing game by itself when you already have GHWT. I'm surprised they didnt call it Guitar Hero: Sing Life! or some bullshit. In the end, they just want more money from people. Yes, let them they can do…
@Mr.RobLikesBrunch: Can you even call a "fart machine" a game? Because I bet thats what they're considering so.