
I'm still wondering how this is going to play. Do we need to buy an accessory for it like GH:OT?

Eh, a great game like this deserves to be played on PC/PS3/360. I'll wait for Bioshock 2.

My gf and I were JUST talking about this the other day and thought it would be awesome to see in Rock Band! I hope it happens!

@TRT-X: That or some Weird Al.

Really Activision? What's next? I'm afraid to ask. /facepalm

@joec0ld: Rock Band isn't whoring itself by using every instrument resource possible. There's no point to release a singing game by itself when you already have GHWT. I'm surprised they didnt call it Guitar Hero: Sing Life! or some bullshit. In the end, they just want more money from people. Yes, let them they can do

@Mr.RobLikesBrunch: Can you even call a "fart machine" a game? Because I bet thats what they're considering so.

I would've started to tear up, followed with a "That's my boy!"

This is a rip for me. its 5or6$ to rent a game for 5 days at HWVideo. I basically get 2-3 extra days from renting from the store. Pass.

@Ken: Then buy Rock Band.

@KaneRobot: "I don't know what a 'holla-back girl' is, all I know is I want Gwen Stafani dead."

@TRT-X: I just wanted to know if Ledger won Supporting Actor as well. I was in the middle of the Endless Setlist 2 with my girlfriend, so we kept tabs on that and were both happy to see Ledger win for his role as The Joker. Most deserving.

I still think it's a fad. If you need a video game to tell you you're a fatass, there's a problem. If you need a video game to motivate you to lose that weight, you have a problem. If you use the video game to lose weight instead of spending some time outdoors, or heavens forbid, a gym, you have a problem.

Just because a FEW people are hardcore into it, doesn't mean the general population is. There are always going to be people dedicated to something regardless if the general public things it sucks or just doesn't care. Point and case, these people. Sure, there ARE people using it, but they probably represent the 5-10%

@kylo4iskyle4: Amen, I hated Shacklers Revenge, it sounds just terrible. At least we get Pearl Jam's Ten in March though.

@TRT-X: Oh whatever, now that I think of it [ignorant statement to learn to play a real instrument because RB is so fake].

@Weaselfingers: Pfft, [your favorite band] sucks ass. Who they really need is [my favorite band]. That would totally kick ass.

@PhoenixDog: Yes, but it helps with people who hack to use ISOs and other emulators/Roms.

If you look in every psychiatric text that is published, you will not find the word "insane". "Insane" is a legal term, not clinical. Jeffrey Dahmer, he killed people, cut them up and and put their heads in a freezer, yet he didn't meet the test of insanity in Wisconsin. The test is: knowing that the act was wrong,