
The trailer for Mario Odyssey changed my entire perspective on the game. Up until this point, I had been mentally rejecting the realistic city atmosphere they've been showing off. I found the mash-up to be a bit jarring, plus the city itself looked kinda boring. The reveal of all the different sandbox worlds with

I imagine that doing the force push shout in VR would be pretty damn cool.

I was watching a bit of the gameplay for the new Yoshi game and was taken aback by how slow and tedious it looked. Every time they stopped to aim at something in the background, I felt myself losing interest. Apparently this is not the game I expected it to be, so I'll be keeping my eye on it to see just exactly what

Oh does this mean we'll also get a remake of the movie Reign Over Me for Sony to advertise it with

I would gladly like to join in on the mario kart festivities.

I really wish I can figure out how I'm able to solve VG puzzles without a lot of effort (probably because most are fairly easy) but, I cannot do complicated algorithm design very well at all. I've recently picked up a tech book to help guide you through doing challenging technical interview questions and I'm just

My new tech boss writes emails in this playful tone (thankfully the content is just pure nerd stuff) and it bothers me how child-like it comes across. He also can't be bothered to take the time to buy jeans long enough to quite reach his ankles, so we can all see his cheap white tube socks.

I don't follow the craft brew market (or whatever you call it) that closely and I live in an area with a ton of small breweries. Due to this, I realized the other day that my assumption that Ballast Point Brewing was local to me was wrong. Got me curious on if other people have made false assumptions about the

In the end, I feel like this will be a continued trend with them. They're investing heavily in hololens, under the impression that it will become a major market force. Could be that cutting back of software deals/studios is a way to save on costs during this investment.

I edited my statement a couple times since I sorta hacked at it to begin with. What I really want is someone to convince these localizations to be ported beyond the PS4, specifically the xbox. We're already getting PC ports of some of the larger audience games (though that may all be Square's doing). I'm sure, if it

I had played all of about 3 hours total of MGS games prior to MGS V and I still had a lot of fun with it. I did some reading on the plot before hand, and I do have a high tolerance for not knowing WTH is going on though.

I want to see Microsoft show some more software. Games that are not Halo, Gears, or Forza (Fable is ok because I'm always ok for more Fable). It doesn't have to be exclusive, or first party, but I wouldn't mind something that makes my system a bit more valuable by itself.

Every now and then a Friday comes up and I realize my answer the the title question is "I don't know? Nothing?". It's not from having something else to do or boredom but rather, I just hit these moments where I want to just quit playing games and do something like take up watercolor painting.

Based on the list of titles you're interested in, you really shouldn't bother looking into an xbox.

I always get a kick out of Moore's dead pan "Does it play any other tunes?" when XXX can't get that crappy little van into gear.

Yes! I had forgotten about how prevalent those are.

I've vacationed a lot in western Montana, but I've always felt that the area around Little Big Horn doesn't get enough appreciation for its beauty as well.

Maybe less bad finding Richard Spencer

I am complete agreement in many ways on this. I enjoy an environment where everything is in its place.

I'm curious to see what kind of technology overlap they may have with upcoming Far Cry titles and the open world tech driving the latest Ghost Recon. Granted GR has plenty of moments where there's nothing going on, but that may play well with Far Cry. The different bases and locales in which enemies were in, though,