
How timely. Right now, I'm sitting on the couch desperately trying to prevent myself from storming upstairs and telling the heel walker above me to stop stomping the entire length of the apartment while dropping bowling balls or whatever the hell makes the insane crashing noise every 2 minutes up there. I have lived

Those comments had even my very conservative sister-in-law sputtering in disbelief. I'm a little sheltered myself, living in one of the very few liberal constituencies in Calgary, but this last election had me literally holding my breath. Yikes.

We got Apple TV and it's fantastic. Anything I want to play on either my laptop or phone goes to my TV. Movies, TV shows, music, whatever. Set up was easy, but I do have Apple products and am used to them. I highly recommend it! Good luck.

For me, I'm keeping my name because it's MY name. It's the one I've gone by for 30 plus years. The end.

This. Exactly. It just amazes me how riled up people get about this. I'm getting married this summer and I'm keeping my name, the way I'd always figured I would. For me, it's also a very individual decision, it's been my name for 30 plus years, becoming a "married" doesn't fundamentally change who I am. And why oh why

Egads. Cocoa powder? In bread? Don't mind if I do. Thanks!

I too am drinking solo tonight as my live-in dude is on a ski break. I'd like to try your apple-cheese sandwich idea, perhaps tomorrow, but for tonight, it's chicken with spinach and fig jam! I raise my glass of Shiraz to you.

I'm going to try it! Anyone know if I can sub whole wheat flour?

I was also a hotel housekeeper once, so I feel you. Truthfully though, shutting the toilet lid would only make most rooms I cleaned marginally less hurl worthy.

This is so strange since I was going to write a post asking for advice about this very thing! I have two friends who never fail to leave the lid up when they come to my place. I always put it down, but they do not get the message! Is there any delicate way to mention I'd prefer they put the seat down at my house? Or

We're off to a friends small get-together for New Year's. I'm bringing the pavlova I just made for the first time. My favourite dessert, but I was always scared to try to make it! And it's fine! Here's to not being such a sissy and to trying big, new, exciting things in 2012. Happy New Year all you Jezzies!

As someone who has had both nipples pierced, I had the exact same question. Seems if you want it to catch the light, move the light.

Due to a learning disability that went unrecognized for far too long, I was labeled as "dumb" fairly early in my childhood - a teacher actually told my mom he "was sorry that she's not too bright." So for the longest time, I truly just thought I was never going to be good at school subjects, so I didn't bother.

I think what's most confusing about this text for me is that it switches from future tense, to past tense to present tense, which results in a garbled message requiring me to think way too hard on a Tuesday after work. Any way you look at it, a bad approach.

I think we work at the same place. I'm so tired of depending on other people in order to do my own job! And if you're the last one in the chain, as I am, everyone looks at you like "why haven't you gotten this done yet?" Gah.

I'll add this to the long list of reasons why I don't want an engagement ring!

What's your new business?

Poppies have been around in Canada for as long as I can remember...I figured everyone knew what they represented! Interesting to learn about other countries' traditions too though.

Agreed. Amount of clothing has nothing to do with harassment. I was wearing 3 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters and big, muddy steel toe boots (it was winter and I was working outside), and I still got harassed in the parking lot. I've also been harassed while wearing a sundress. So, square inches of fabric is not the issue

I work outside 5 months of the year under the blazing prairie sun, and I go through bottles and bottles of sunscreen. While this could be something I'd use, I'm a bit hesitant to swallow yet another pill. Deleterious health effects of drugs are sometimes discovered down the road, so I might take a wait and see