
A burger medium rare can be unsafe. Ground meat is handled a lot more and comes into touch with a lot more surfaces than a whole steak. The inside of a steak (which can be rare or med-rare) doesn't touch anything. The inside of a burger was likely handled by someone and touched multiple surfaces. You should eat

Walker is a Zombie. Hence the lack of a brain.

To be honest, this is so low on the issue of social justice/equality that it is laughable. Also, if more women cared to become trained in making video games, then I bet there would be more games reflecting the things women want. As it stands, women make up a minority of the gaming community and an even smaller

Most 100% blue agave tequilas are great (if you like tequila).

Grey Goose is the drink of people who want to look wealthy but have no actual taste. In fact, that is exactly why it was created. The man who created it is a marketing genius. His goal was to create a premium vodka (at the time, the most expensive vodka widely available was Absolut) that was distinguished from

His apparently genuine disbelief at the actual time seems to confirm that he was at sea for a long time and potentially swam many miles to reach shore. He knew when he fell overboard but was surprised how long he had been in the water. Seems legit.

Regarding "blowing or waving a fart away." It seems like if you could move the fart air if you got to it right out of the b-hole. But once it mixes with the air, at large, I don't see it having much effect.

Related: I recently learned that Bed Bath & Beyond will apparently take back anything (or maybe just appliances?) at any time. I haven't yet tested this, but here is what I learned:

What happens? I'm stumped

But what if you are always right?

That is some carnage. I "witnessed" (audibly) something similar once. When I was in law school and living in an apartment complex, I woke up on a Sunday morning before 7 a.m. to a series of loud bangs and crunches. I went outside and an entire row of cars parked in front of the building across from mine were

Fair enough. By the way, is your name a Butthole Surfers reference? If so, I am surprised you didn't say "Pepper."

Maybe its just my aversion to pop music in general, but I find Drake to be mediocre, at best. His voice is monotone, his flow is average, and his lyrics are not particularly creative. That being said, music is subjective, so I don't knock you for liking him.

What do you use on french fries? Vinegar? Don't say mayo. Please don't say mayo. I just ate and I want to keep my breakfast down.

We need to get Caliendo on this, playing Mel Kiper, Jr. evaluating tape of Mel Kiper, Jr. Jr.

WTF? Have they never heard of mustard? Or honey mustard? You may need to talk with a divorce attorney.

a/k/a, the Texas hat trick

For me, the news of Giambi retiring was similar to the news of long-time NHLer Ray Whitney retiring: I didn't even know he was still playing.

I think they we tend to mollycoddle people and make excuses for them, or let them make excuses for themselves. One's own weight, like most things, is generally within one's own own control.* The rest is just excuses. The bottom line is that being a healthy weight is about eating less (or at least, smarter) and

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to consistently shoot a lower percentage than your team's average throughout your career.