Okay I am losing sleep over those lips because as a ghostly pale person, I will never be able to rock a dark purple like that. On me it looks goth, on her it looks chic as fuck.
Okay I am losing sleep over those lips because as a ghostly pale person, I will never be able to rock a dark purple like that. On me it looks goth, on her it looks chic as fuck.
It is so bad. If it wasn’t for the fact that this guy was a serial rapist, he would have had the most boring life ever, completely not worth spending half of a 15,000(?) word piece on. He grew up a football player, then went to play in college for a bad college team, then didn’t go to the NFL. !!!!!!!!!! But then it…
I thought I was the only one having trouble with that. That sentence (and the article as a whole) is awful.
Christ. What the fuck was this writer thinking? “Stripped of his power” is how you describe VICTIMS, not people sulking over missing out on the NFL.
“...without the potential of an NFL career to suppress his behavior, Holtzclaw seemingly became a completely different person.”
Holtzclaw is continually described as a man who actively worked to stay out of trouble—as if it’s a shock when previously law-abiding men decide to rape women.
Is he not the coolest? Direct confrontation or shade, Obama gets it in.
Many of us are grey everywhere, and just follow and comment from the greys, even after more than a year. I don’t think they’re interested in pulling us out.
The reason they’re reporting on this crime is right in the headline: she’s the first trans woman to be murdered this year (that we know of). And then to add insult to injury, the statement issued by the police uses male pronouns and her birth name, which is something happens depressingly often. These two things…
you know what, Kanye probably thinks world is a donut and revolves around him
Ah, I’m not so good at picking up sarcasm in real life, much less online, so I apologize if I came across like I was attacking you. It was a total knee-jerk reaction.
It’s a torpedo move. By filing the suit against LeGrier’s “estate” LeGrier’s family will have to expend whatever amount of time/energy/financial resources fighting it. It’s a civil suit so if LeGrier’s family fails to fight it Rialmo basically wins by default. As LeGrier’s family will most likely get a hefty wrongful…
In the Onion story the quote from the cop would be “See what you made me do!”
“Rectal prolapse in a fright wig” FTW!
Absolutely. North Dakota tried a direct assault on Roe/Doe and it went down in flames. So Florida is going to direct their attack at Casey.
Especially silly since they’re claiming (I think) that viability of the fetus and what constitutes an “undue burden” on women are too arbitrary to be the basis for law. Is the shifting non-consensus between religions on when life begins not purely arbitrary? For example Catholics used to believe that life began at…