
The apparel doesn’t make the family beautiful. It just enhances it. And you, Jones Train, still seem angry...and snide.

Your answer is just a whirlwind of shit...and privilege.

You seem angry. And, that is a beautiful family.

Bravo! What a beautiful way to explain this. This should be a blog post.

“I have a Black AND a Muslim friend”.

Just say, “If you disagree with gay marriage, then, YOU should not marry someone who is gay. If you disagree with with abortion rights, YOU have the right to not have an abortion”.

Swipe right for Jeb!

Once again, well said. It is interesting that some people want to speak about “the content of our character” on MLK, Jr. day, but it never enters the conversation on the other 364. Does my color obfuscate my character?

She is not right, at all. “Stuff” like the BET and the Image awards as well as the BET network exist because there was a time and place where persons of color were not acknowledged for their exceptional work in various fields, so that they had to acknowledge themselves. Consequently, the BET network exists because

Well said. And this-”I want to live in a world where Tamir Rice turns 13".-I saw this on a placard held by one of his classmates at a protest after he passed away. It moved me to tears. This simple statement echoed by a child. Black Lives do Matter and no 6th grader should question whether or not they will see the 7th

You’re right, but I just wanted to put that out there in the ether. Maybe she will see my little comment and change her mind (and perhaps, the US)???

Elizabeth “Awesome AF” Warren

In order to foster empathy, children need consistency. They need to know that all of their supportive others are invested in them. It is difficult to know that you are loved at home and yet, despised/feared in the community. It is unfair when their positive words go unheard, their positive deeds go unrecognized, and

What an extremely important thing for you to say and what an extremely compelling and cogent way to say it. Abusive behaviors are very insidious and can last a lifetime. They can start out small until they ultimately build up and they become an entire way of thinking...an entire way of being. Please remember, by