
Man’s twitter account shows him to be a trump supporter so...

Donald Trump is trash. Everyone who supports and voted for him are trash and I hope they spend the rest of eternity stepping on Legos in Hell.

Truly, nobody cuts to the heart of what a oafish buffoon Trump is quite like you, David. This had me in stitches:

Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both.  There is no other possibility.  

From what my dentist said, I don’t think the grind to the nub is the problem, I think it’s more the cracks in the teeth (or crowns) that lead to more decay and root canals.

Help me out...correct me if I’m wrong, my takeaway is someone took a shot of a photo in the Knowles-Carter home that was meant to be private? If this is true, why are you reposting it?!?

Australia is the Florida of the world. Someone or something is always trying to kill you.

That jumped out at me too.

“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”

So you’re predicting the Knicks will make the playoffs next year?

Amen to that. LeBron’s pattern of creating drama in Miami, Cleveland, and now LA is why I’m enjoying the Lakers playing like crap and not getting AD (for now)

Hope the Bucks win and everyone goes out for smoothies afterwards.

It’s going to be so awesome when the Bucks win the Finals after all the drama this year.

While I’d usually try to avoid thinking about a woman my age being with a guy who is old enough to be her father

Jesus Christ

Maybe a twitter thread isn’t the best way to gain credibility?

I don’t know what’s going to be more satisfying: watching the Leafs return to prominence on the back of a Mexican-American kid from Arizona or seeing Torontonians start to camp out for their parade spots on Yonge in October and then the inevitable first or second round playoff collapse. Probably the latter, because

I’ll bet a significant amount of money that he files a grievance and gets rehired, with back pay.

This is the problem with zero tolerance. It’s never really zero tolerance. It’s public relations. It sounds good. It feels good. But it doesn’t accomplish anything.

I am normally extremely relaxed about grammar and diction standards online.  That goes out the fucking window when someone drops bullshit like irregardless 

Does this bandanna make me look fat?