
No, drown him!

The Russians are perspicacious.

That was not even remotely "obviously" a ball. Certainly not warranting a reaction like that. If he had injured Pedroia or anyone else, THAT would have been serious.

Tied with Chris Bosh...game 7.

The idiots in Toronto plan parades for all their shitty teams at one point or another. The Blue Jays fans had the World Series in the bag when the most overrated GM in MLB brought in a bunch of big contracts from the 69 win Marlins. Jeff Loria got all the negative press but now the Marlins probably have a brighter

Shitty waitress. I hope she gets caught and fired, frankly. When twats like this understand the world doesn't owe them anything, the US will be a lot better off.

Anyone who smashes pap's shit is okay by me...

haha, that's exactly what I thought when I saw the picture...

He plays baseball (poorly) a few months a year in Toronto. He is from Miami and is American...and this is going to shock dumbass Americans...but there is no "Canadian" way to do anything anymore than there is an "American" way to do things...

I think he's be great on the Warriors. All that killer shooting, fast pace.... but I don't care about Howard...he's the worst and should be more reviled than LeBron James.

Anyone believe Simmons actually tried to get Doc fired? ....Doc is the nutty one here.

That's a lot of real estate for a joke that doesn't work cause his name is Oden.