
I appreciate this article for what it says about gamers and the industry in general sometimes, not just as it pertains to No Man’s Sky. I think far too often, games are judged based on what they’re not rather than what they are. And I think a lot of the reason for that is the out-of-control hype machine surrounding

Yes, exactly this. I do use Pharah to escape and will occasionally use the alternate beam on her to start a round, but if she wants healing she has to at least make an effort to come toward me. I’m not going to fly away from Reinhardt and the rest of the group just because a Pharah halfway across the map is begging

I like playing as Mercy, but those players piss me off. Pharah mains have been the worst, in my experience. They catapult into the air away from the rest of the team, get shot a few times, land somewhere, spam “I Need Healing” and then fly off somewhere else, seemingly expecting me to follow them and heal them

From what I’ve found, those 100% bonuses are for discovering every species of animal on the planet. So plants, elements, minerals and rock formations don’t count. Just animals. And you can scan and tag members of different subspecies and name them, but for the 100% bonus they are still considered the same species. My

I’m not even close to the core. I’ve only jumped three systems away from my starting point, so I don’t think that’s really a big enough sample size to judge. But I can tell you that the most recent planet I landed on had by far the strangest wildlife. There were living creatures that basically were huge pulsing red

That’s the biggest benefit of spending so much time planetside: TONS of drop pods. I don’t remember how much inventory space I have in my suit now, but it’s A LOT. It’s got to be 30+ slots. I’ve basically been living off the huge Emeril deposits I found on my second planet.

Sold all of it for 1.4 million credits and

Yeah, I know how to do that and I’ve been doing that. I just have spent so much time planetside that I haven’t even gotten to a black hole or Atlas station yet.

From the review, it sounds like the end of the Atlas path is essentially pointless. But the beginning of it does help give you some kind of structure. And then you can choose to leave that structure whenever you want.

No Man’s Sky is less of a “game,” and more of an “experience.” Some people will hate that, and that’s understandable. They’ll want a more tangible goal, they’ll want more exciting combat/gameplay, they’ll want more action. That’s all fine and is personal taste, and anyone interested in that stuff shouldn’t buy No

That’s how I’ve been playing it since the start, and I’ve loved every minute. It’s the perfect game to come home to after a long day of work. I make some dinner, crack open a beer, and chill with some No Man’s Sky. I never felt any reason to rush to the center of the galaxy (though I did pick the Atlas path out of

I just discovered such a place as well. “Oh look, another shelter! I wonder what’s in .... OH GOD, GET ME OUT OF HERE!”

I live in Los Angeles. It’s only happened to me once, but I don’t really play very much.

Why is there an assumption that the Legendaries will spawn in a place that is related to their type? Is Moltres going to spawn inside a volcano? Since there’s going to be events for the Legendaries, I would think they’ll be in places like Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, etc. Yes, that will probably exclude Ohio,

“We know that it is possible to use a program that makes one monster appear as a completely different monster, for example.”

This is true, but there’s also an existing glitch within Pokemon Go that gives you a different Pokemon than the one you just caught. It’s happened to me, where I encountered and seemingly caught

Gee, I hope they give us a free loot box after the down time. Yes, I want some of these Summer Games unique skins and no, I’m not going to pay real money for loot boxes. So I’ll take them any way I can get them.

I’ve had the “encounter one Pokemon, catch another” glitch. I had a Paras pop up, captured it in a Pokeball, but when I went to the menu I had a Venonat.

The interesting bit, to me, was that the CP value displayed on the Paras was the same as the Venonat I caught, which was WAAAY higher than the other Venonats I’d

Agreed. I only used Pokevision a handful of times, but I definitely never saw an ad.

Am I the only one who thinks Pharah’s fuel should be slightly nerfed, or take longer to refill? Feels like she’s able to spend too much time in the air.

A hacking ability would be cool, but what else would she be able to hack? I guess I could see Widowmaker’s trap and Symmetra’s turrets, but how useful would those be? A hack ability would need to have a cooldown and a timer for how long something stayed hacked, making it basically worthless against Symmetra since