
This would be a really nice service if it didn't put an annoying and long ad for their service at the end of every text.

Replies will go through your carrier, as the replier only sees your regular number as the sender. If you're looking for an only-internet solution check out yuilop, but that gives you a new number.

There are routers that have this function build in. ex. FritzBox: DSL modem, router, Voip in one box.

If you use Windows, DisplayFusion.

VOTE: Kate and Emacs

Oh god, I don't even want to think about what could go wrong here. Besides the danger, I can't think of a computer placement that would make this dock handy. On the floor is too low and your knee we soon turn into a hardware killer. On the table is too high and will force you to stand up.

@Posco Grubb: Agreed. The libraries are more a pain than any useful.

I really enjoy working with Windows 7 on both, my laptop and my main desktop. I like Vista before, but this is definitely better.

It's very easy to purchase a 6' HDMI cable for under 1$ on eBay. Sure, they come from HongKong but that's what the article is about.

When it just comes to a quick solution to anonymous surfing on the go, I'd have to say HotsportShield wins it for that.

iGoogle stays the same over all my computers and displays my mail, wheather, news, and Chuck Norris facts ;)

@NilzXX: have a look at gOS.

@izzy9985: ...it's still Linux. And there are distros for netbooks out already, just nothing fancy yet.

First google, then forum. (3dgameman.com)


How much did Microsoft pay him for this vid, lol!

G15 (1st generation) all the way. Although I did love my good old beige Cherry keyboard.

I bey it's Kazooie.

Edit: You can fix this by going into the "tabs" settings.