
If people need religion to not be an asshole, they are an asshole.

This tape would be so much better.

Oh my god, if this dude would have pulled out a gun and told Watters to get off of his property, that would have been the best thing I’ve ever seen. There’s at least a 48% chance that Watters would’ve pissed himself.

A lot of white women are very scared of black people and brown people, so they voted for putting them away in jail or sending them back to Mexico/Syria. They also love babies and hate sluts who kill them. They also hate sluts, period. The fact that so many voted for him is not a fucking surprise.

Isn’t sitting in places about 60% of what Kim does, though?

It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

I’ve been trying to make the case that, for Trump, the duties and responsibilities of being President will fall lightly on his shoulders, if at all. Most of the burdens of leadership are self-imposed, deriving from a sense of responsibility and a desire to do what is right for the country. Presidents turn grey because

I hate how much I like his music. I think he’s JUST THE FUCKING WORST but gotdang he’s talented.

I was single mother of two when I had mine and went no way. I then went on to have two more kids when I got remarried. Abortion is for anyone who wants one. Glad to see shows like this trying to get past the stigma.

Fuck, dude. Great writing, shitty situation.

Im not black but I’m a first generation immigrant with excellent English (private Anglo-America school as child) and very white skin.

I just start crying at random. I am giving you a big internet hug...

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did

Of course she isn’t an idiot. She’s trying to help her husband win an election. And just as we do in personal relationships all the time, voters pay attention to the dialogue that they want to hear, from the candidates they want to hear it from. Trump supporters will forget the things he says that they don’t like and

Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!

Discussion =/= detailed ratings system

“Men seem to be less bothered by being rated.”

I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, seeing these women reduced to their fuckability by men they considered colleagues and friends, is unbelievably depressing. As is knowing that my male colleagues probably devalue me similarly. This is something that we are told consistently is normal, and that is awful.