
Related: A woman makes a career out of saying that women shouldn’t have careers. What the hell? Why was it ok for her but no one else?

I’ll be quaffing beer with you in hell, my dear. I too worked to get the ERA passed as a young. Now I’m an old, and I’m really happy I finally outlived that bitch.

She was indeed a horrible woman, and the damage she did to the lives of women was incalculable. I was active in the movement to pass the ERA in the 80's, and every interview I did seemed to require to me to comment on her. She was a great diversion tactic, because instead of being asked about what the ERA would do for

I never understood: if women were not as good as men, why should we listen to anything Phyllis said?

In the 70s when she was campaigning against the ERA, she hired live-in nannies to take care of her kids....

Bye, Phyllis.

I only wish Mr. Kaepernick we as police officers, ostensibly dedicated civil servants, could see the emotional and psychological challenges that our officers citizens in the communities we are entrusted to serve face following a fatal encounter with the worst of our officer representatives, in addition to daily

How is this not sexual assault? Forcing a woman to undress in public? Jesus fucking Christ on a hoverboard I am absolutely sick to my stomach over this. I cannot even imagine what those poor women must have felt like.


I also think Ledger’s Joker is such a amazing product of its time. You can argue the Joker is first and foremost, an agent of chaos but what makes that really scary is the raw idealism behind it. He’s willing to die on several occasions just so that he can carry forth a message and a worldview that is opposite

What evidence is there that their values differed? My guess is that it was only the fact that she directly suffered this ill treatment that caused her to speak out. Her politics are aimed at providing justification for this kind of behavior.

RIP Nightly Show. :(

Her sword was being a successful anti-feminist. She thus perpetuated and promoted the culture that hurt her and billions of others.

Just like any abusive relationship-you hope that if you tow the party line and work really hard to be the coolest girl around, they’ll finally treat you with respect, or whatever carrot they’re dangling. You won’t be like all those other girls, those dumb, fat, poor, needy bitches!! You will be different. Internalized

Who is D’Agostino the wife of? I need to know this immediately.

Yes, but the real story is that two men shook hands somewhere.

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.