but now I'm John

So...you find it insufferable that I’m trying to give a detailed argument why yoga developed by two men who abused women (yes, Pattabhi Jois did too) is not as good for your body/mind as yoga developed by others (Mr. Iyengar, Diane Bruni) who didn’t? Well, I tried. It’s something I care deeply about.

It is not a question of whether something works for some people.


I loved Drew’s “butternut turd” too

Did they bring JR Smith to try to bait trump into a crass tweet? “(Check out ‘pipe’ DM and past)”


Apart from having male parts, I’m not so bad, you can ungrey me all you want.

Kids fucking rule. They have an indomitable positive spirit and that’s a wonderful age.

THERes this thing about how people have an inherent bias in favor of the status quo. It leads to professional, romantic, etc, inertia. But people tend to be happier when they make a change, other things being equal. Sounds like there’s not much keeping this going apart from some status quo bias from both parties.

This dog does NOT KNOW that he is on the internet!

Isn’t that called an “endorsement”?

Maybe it hurts him with non prosperity gospel evangelicals

Goldfish electorate.

Well, you’d better fucking do it anyway

What is the biggest difference as a player between Klay Thompson and JR Smith?

Why the f is it confusing why a white dude would assume that a black kid who clearly wasn’t doing anything wrong was doing something wrong?

I think I’ve seen Manu do that. Without the bounce. Side-arm from one side of the court to the other along the baseline.

STRONGER TOGETHER thread: what are people doing, above and beyond voting, to help elect our first female president? I’ve donated some $$$, talked to all my peeps in swing states, and tried phonebanking (but it was the middle of a weekday and only one nice old lady picked up who is going to vote for our girl Hillary in

Go to an Iyengar class and ask the teacher about your thighs. You’re bound to get something that works. If you need a deeper stretch this is one that I like: