
Don’t harbor that guilt that you never did anything. You did what you could at the time... which was self-preservation and you should be proud of that. In my case, she didn’t believe me anyways and he found out about it and... let his rage be known (to everyone but her).

Cupping is pretty amazing. I have ridiculous lower back pain and it always helps.

Question, and apologies if this is well known, but when he got off with probation because of the Affluenza, did his parents suffer any consequence for being the ones responsible for creating a murderer?

Money can’t buy you class

I think you should be. He is simply put ignorant, pompous, and a chauvinist.

Yes. Karma is pretty wonderful

I understand what you are saying about autocorrect, but that shouldn’t matter though, should it? If you just had a major reading fail live in front of the entire world, you would think that one would take a moment to review and perhaps even consult with somebody on your team before releasing a statement where BOTH

Ugh. I despise Steve Harvey. Which I can say without any regret because i know him.

I can’t believe this isn’t a parody.

i wished they reversed the gender parts. i know this song is pretty, but its just so rape-ey, it makes my cringe.

that’s the thing about brainwashing... you really can’t understand it... unless you experience the pressure (or systematic violent force) that makes you adopt such radically different beliefs. Both parents abandoned that poor child. I don’t want to even think about how difficult it is going to be growing up as the