
This one sounds much more respectful.

I know I found that comment obtuse and smacking of racism.

The one dressed up as george stephanopoulos on AMC blew my mind!!!

double post....

Must have gotten the idea from watching Stranger Things.

Well thank you!!! Keep informed about this email leak Fox just leaked that the FBI found the Necronomicon in Huma Abedin’s and Anthony’s apartment.

If you want a site that doesn’t “hurt your feelings”, or “trigger you” maybe I should be grayed out...Good point about the first amendment btw.

I am smug as well!!! Still looking around and seeing this as the main story even at ....*gasp* Washington Post, and NY Times!!! Trump being a ladies man is old hat my friend.

Yes it is my friend, yes it is.

Thanks for joining the “grey” area. I hope they let you out.

It’s Putin’s fault...lol NOT.

Yes it is my friend...yes it is.

It’s called being an enabler. Ain’t like this was the fist time!!! Ask Hillary about letting Bill spending his lifetime “sewing his oats.”

Nice to see so many smug people squirming now.

Damn will this lady stop running for elections, this has to be like the 20th election she’s been in and lost. Maybe she can run for dog catcher or something?! Have a nice day.

O’brien by Newspaper accounts, O’Bryan by Bobby “Magic” Fingers.

I agree with your assessment from Out of the Abyss. Wizards are making their adventures feel like an Open World computer game. That’s great if you have time for a 10 year real life campaign. I want some well thought out short adventures that focus on a dungeon, not a 500 mile radius geosphere. I’m positive people

I heard she was waiting to see Miley Cyrus. Shame...

Rejoice, this is the only time you ladies will like Condoleezza Rice.

Just fully read the story. LOL fact check Richard Hatch!!! The same guy who went to prison for not paying taxes, and got kicked off Survivor ALL -STARS ..........because he grabbed a woman in an inappropriate place??? Nice research, Truly Megan...