Sometimes I wish gay sex wasn't my only option

This is a service that needs more attention.

Abraham Lincoln also had premonitions of his own passing (and the days afterwards).

I'm sure there are a number of evolved who feel the same.

Wonder how the Asian kids will do if this comes to fruition.

This would go over well at Deadspin.

At the motel, Krauss drew his service weapon and told the woman that he wanted to anally penetrate her with the gun. When she refused, and began to cry, "Krauss then pushed her back, pulled off her pants, and had sex with her." And then he drove her home to the same husband that led her to call the police in the

This is the type of actions that communities need and want. No need for surliness or exasperation. Instead of confrontation, it's co-operation.

If only I could wear couture like this, I would be the belle of the ball.

A brief respite from the tragedy in Ferguson. Not to take away from what happened, but dwelling on it forever would be a total bummer.

Finally, a story about Miley Cyrus that shows her what she can do to address a serious issue. And her date was so dreamy!