
No, it’s not - to answer your last question. To report on them as the writer does here.. is normalizing who and what they are. It is white privilege. It is Tina Fey saying just eat cake and ignore what happened in Charlottesville, and it is CNN and the rest normalizing the racist in chief. POC can’t just sit back and

It’s funny how your article don’t include the words: alt-right, racist, racism, race-baiting, white, white people, wypipo...

I was a little concerned that if we eliminated all woke teens on social media, there would be no woke teens at all, whereas even if there are no pets, there are still cute pet like animals in the wild?

The voting is easy for now, but if it comes down to bees vs indoor plumbing... oh dear...

Nah, I like being able to turn on the tv/internets and find out what is going on in the world at any time. I don’t want a shopping robot listening to me all the time and I can turn on my own music?

Pets v. Woke Kids was the hardest for me, but I went with Pets, because i love my kitties. But man, those kids give me hope!

Ah, I was the opposite. Alexa/Siri/All of those are where my tin foil hat comes out. I don’t want to invite something to creep on me! I can just turn off the talking heads on 24hr news.

I picked Tinder over Infowars because Tinder is honest about existing only so people can be fucked.

Even pets vs. woke kids? For me, that was HARD.

Honestly, Tinder v Info Wars was tougher than I was expecting. Both terrible in their own unique women hating ways.

I remember when the evangelicals found their president in GWB.

The reason the internet will end up a net (ha!) negative for humanity is that it has established the apocalyptic concept that a moron’s opinion deserves the same platform and same respect as an expert’s. Woolery, Baio, Woods, (Cernovich, Posobiec, and on and on) these are not people to whom anyone should turn for

Saw this today, apropos:

I’ve never understood the point of satire that’s indistinguishable from what it’s satirizing. 

And not even getting into prestige tv “lane bitches”

you mean the guy with the screen name of a Jet Engine isn’t a student?

As someone who took five seconds to look at your posting history, I’m calling bullshit.

Any worthwhile protest has always had risk and consequences for the protesters. It’s what gives the protests meaning. It’s why we take them seriously.

My son helped organize the walkout at his middle school. I called in to excuse him from class this morning, and the lady on the other end of the attendance line sound oh-so-put-out over the whole thing. Tough noogies, lady. I couldn’t be prouder.

I spent 8th grade engaged in such a blood feud with another girl over the “best” friendship of a third girl that we all got sent to the guidance counselor daily. I would only go back to 8th grade if A) I know everything I know now and B) I was paid a trillion dollars.