Just a dragon

Somewhere in Blizz HQ there is almost certainly a wall that is like this:

Something to keep in mind for those of you not working in creative fields:

Imagine, for a moment, that the iconic element of the product you spent months—perhaps years—of your life on were brought to market without your ever having been involved.

Could that product still have been completed?


Would it still be

I am going to go out on a limb and say that if he practiced a bit more, he wood have a better time. He should try branching out with other strategies. I guarantree that he will trunkate his time.

Now playing

Whole new meaning to A Link to the Past.....

Ark could be so much better if they would just fix the game and not keep adding more stuff to it

Bass? Dropped.

Honestly the only one that surprises me is Portal 2 (and not just because I figured the original would be higher-rated). Smaller indie games tend to spread by word-of-mouth among people who are already predisposed to love that kind of game. It’s the big name games that tend to have an uphill battle winning over a

I hate to tell you this, but if you feel like you are entitled to a reward just for doing the right thing, that is just self-interest, not altruism.