
I read this originally as hot like hottie lunch ladies but now I think maybe you mean the lunch itself was warm? I was like wow we had really different lunch ladies...

So twee!

That would be a great show, you should prob pitch that to bravo

I feel the same except change that to I’m totally fine with my exes existing as long as they don’t contact me or look at me or anything else I might look at

I feel like Emma Stone is morphing into Titanic era Kate Winslet

She was so cute and Shannon Dohertyish! I want her to be the new secret sister on Charmed


Yes they were from YM! Or Seventeen...

But why was anyone even interviewing Michael Douglas right now? And they randomly asked about Val Kilmer?

Anybody else not get any invites on doing anything for Halloween? Pretending I am too old to celebrate while sitting on the couch drinking wine and eating PB m&ms

put it on the potato cubes before roasting??

This week I sucked it up and called some oil companies to get quotes (hate the phone!)

I am only in my 30s but I have been having good luck with tea tree oil

First do nothing for like 4 months and fend off every comment about it during the holidays with “oh I will def take that into consideration! MOAR WINE”. Then get a rough idea of how much money you might have/want to spend. Once you have that you can then use Martha Stewarts wedding budget (you might have to sign up

He’s related to Paul Theroux? huh somehow never put that together! Move him one up on the crushometer

Is that a stack of hideous engagement rings on Khloes hand?

!! It’s on my library request list, so psyched! Am thinking about rereading Rules of Civility before I get to the new one. Also just saw that there is a sequelish of Rules about the “friend” Eve so clearly will need to get into that too

Wrong! Only Carey Mulligan for 1920s heroines please

Right? I thought so too

Really I think her face looks v. different in the above pic but this is the first time I have noticed a difference since 2001