
And compare that to Demon’s Souls.

How did you conclude that it’s coming on PS5 and PC?

Xbox Game Pass, while being arguably the best, is the most region restricted. You can only get it in a handful of countries. The rest are more or less global.

Now playing

I dunno man, just watched part of a 4k playthrough and it looks amazing.

At the end of the video, Stormfront to Homelander: “Now don’t be a p**sy. Laser my f**king t*ts.”

I played solo. I didn’t actually try to party with anyone. These policies are so weird. Makes you wonder what you’re actually paying for.

It’s not entirely true. I’ve played some Path of Exile on Xbox without any membership. And that’s a f2p, online-only title. So I don’t know what Psyonix’s deal is.

Just don’t try IDDQD in Heretic. COCKADOODLEDOO is where it’s at!

The consoles “need” to come out before the holiday season because that’s when the big spending happens. And corporate would compromise on anything to have their way.

Dear Mr. Hill, Deadshot wasn’t black in the Arkham games, so I fail to see how this is a part of that same universe.

Hold up. Wasn't he already in the game? Now they're selling him as DLC? 

So after regretting selling the movie rights to Spider-Man to Sony way back, do you actually believe Marvel would commit the same mistake by also selling them the video game rights? It’s just a limited licensing contract, not a transfer of ownership. Heck, even the game is called “Marvel’s Spider-Man”, not “Sony’s

Yeah, Spider-Man used to belong to the people. But now it's only Sony’s people.

Hmm Spider-Man on PS4 or better experience on PC... Guess what I’m going to choose. Neither! I canceled that shit preorder.

Well at least Sega is adding some tech to make lip sych work across both English and Japanese languages, so they should be proud of that.

They are doing it wrong. Should be done in the shower scenes.

So true. I’ve been thinking the exact same thing about Sony. Every single one of their games is a 3rd person action game.

Ugh, why are they still doing this. Just release them all together. 

I don’t get your comment. It’s not like PC is “only” getting what PC Gaming Show showcased. It’s also getting all of the stuff Xbox is getting and most of the stuff PS is getting. Big publishers either prefer to have their own event or prefer to show the big stuff for either Xbox or PS, letting these other shows

Sorry! It was for his Lordship.