Maybe they were expecting Black-Eyed Peas Fergie and someone’s wires got crossed.
Maybe they were expecting Black-Eyed Peas Fergie and someone’s wires got crossed.
Same, Cardi, same.
I thought someone whittled a corpse bride out of a log.
My parents always thought it was so cute that I’d tuck all my dolls to sleep at night. They’d find their shoes turned into makeshift beds filled with Barbies. Tissue boxes were emptied in pursuit of tiny blankets. I was just such a loving kid with caretaker instincts. What they did not know was that my older sister…
I’m confused... Am I supposed to post a story of childhood fear or early 20's hook ups?
Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.
Yeah. I generally scrape trolls your size off my three inch heels.
It’s 2018 bitch we all big.
I’m in my 12th week of a thankfully successful pregnancy so far. We had to go through hell and back with IVF to get here and I’ve been a ball of nerves and anxiety until my ultrasound today. If god forbid, I had lost the baby, and I had to deal with this fuckstick on top of an already devastating miscarriage, I would…
Nobody else thinking of the plot to How High? Nobody? Buehler?
She’s going to have to choose who she wants to be mistaken for: Kim Cattrall (going with the blonde hair), or her sister Meghan (dying her hair dark. Gawds, that was so creepy, when she did that).
Ugg.. well if she reads the comment section she should know that people think she is a insufferable jealous witch of a person and that her sister has and always will be a better person than her.
That was honestly the most fucked up part of the whole thing, but fortunately her cat only needed stitches and I think he recovered completely! (I used to feed Claire’s cats when she went away, so I got to hang out with him after the fact). I believe that both stabbings were with a broken bottle, so they weren’t fatal…
“Just try not to seem too scared” is the entirety of my parenting strategy
There is nothing not funny about googly eyes. Ever. I hope someone puts them on the urn containing my remains.
There are a few of us reading everything. :) i like that your ghost wasn't there to scare you, just fulfill a wish. :)
I have had these very vivid special dreams all of my life. Once in college, I had a dream that I waswas in the hallway. It was more like high school, in between bells. I can hear my name being called over the PA, but they’re saying it wrong over and over. Finally the voice says “yes, goingawaytospain, your family (or…
It’s been increasingly clear to me that my oldest child, a daughter, has these “sensitivities.” I’m realizing now that I’m going to have to be the mom who warns her kids about never knowing who you’re inviting in. Jesus H Hoppin Christmas.
hey you can’t leave us hanging with that!
Appropriate kinja handle is appropriate :D