
They built their house in the 1940's, so it may have been a bomb shelter. Couldn’t speak to the vent’s filtration system, since that’s where the monster lived, and I generally tried to avoid it. 

It fucked me up too. I left the stop pulled up on the bathroom sink drain, to prevent it from squirting blood obviously, for an irrationally long period of time. Like until I went to college.

My grandparents’ house had a canning room in the basement where my grandma keep enough canned food to feed an army. It had a single lightbulb with a pull chain that I was too short to reach, and there was a vent in the back where a monster lived. My cousin locked me in there in the dark once when I was like 6 or 7, and

That scene scared the shit out of me too! I watched that movie once when I was little and didnt watch it again until I was in college. Still made me nervous.

Exactly. Mikey’s mad he got caught up in his own shit, and Trump threw him out like last week’s leftovers. But for that, he’d still be happily licking Trump’s boots.

She is everything and I love her.

This episode was honestly my first thought when I read that line!

I would support Biden in 2020 if he agreed it would be for 1 term. Let him undo Trump’s messes and regain some trust from our allies. In truth, that’s really all one can hope to do in their first term. I mean, positions have gone unfilled and agencies have been dismantled. Basic things that make the government run have

Lolol omg

I dunno, I went around singing the song from Coco for like a week straight. But then again...I’m only un pocoooo locoooooo!

If it makes you feel better, my mom was a labor and delivery nurse, and she said it’s more uncommon to NOT poop. The book was right, Everybody Poops!

Is he employing underage girls? Surely he couldn’t referring to adult women? This is some 1950's shit. I bet he still calls them honey and asks them to bring him coffee.

I know. Public shaming is about all we have right now. :(

+1 for the explosive diarrhea. Also, my first thought was this poor woman was probably going fucking through it dealing with her miscarriage then had to deal with this sanctimonious turd. Honestly, if she burned the place down and I was on the jury, I’d acquit. Also congrats on your impending behbeh hope all goes well!

I am not defending this asshole IN THE LEAST, but most licenses, like to be a pharmacist, are issued by the state, so if the state revokes it based on this, cue lawsuit saying the state violated his religious beliefs, followed by a reversal from the current SCOTUS, which would undoubtedly contain broad language protect


Awww I’m so sorry for your loss. Even if she can’t visit you in your dreams, maybe you can take comfort in know she’s still out there. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that they’re never gone forever, we just can’t see them anymore. Big hugs to you.

Dear Canada,

You know Samantha Markle has Google alerts set for herself and will now go around telling people she gets mistaken for Kim Catrall ALL the time!

A group of “rogue killers” rolls into the embassy 15 deep, murdered and allegedly dismembered a man, then made haste to the consulate’s residence without the Saudi government having any knowledge of it. Totes, totes.