I accept her as my rightful ruler, and I don’t even live in Sweden.
I accept her as my rightful ruler, and I don’t even live in Sweden.
Same! I’ve been single for 5 years. So single that I havent even been on a date in that time. There are times of loneliness, but I can honestly say I’m happier now than I was in any previous relationships.
Fuck each and every one of these women. They should all be ashamed of themselves, but unfortunately, they have no shame.
ETA also why he “ASKED FOR A HEARING THE NEXT DAY! THE NEXT DAY!!!!” before the Ramirez allegation came out.
I think this is why he wouldn’t commit to wanting an FBI investigation. He knew these texts were out there and that the FBI could get them. It’s a real piece of hard evidence, so they can longer claim it’s only a he said/she said situation.
They will market Kim as the victim of this toxic relationship and paint Kanye as unstable, which I believe he is. It’s also the reason why I believe they are letting him put his craziness on display, rather than getting him help, so it will lend credence to Kim’s “poor me” narrative.
Tha Devin Nunes piece is iiiiiiiiinteresting. Though it should come as no shock that the immigration hardliners often make their fortunes on the backs of undocumented workers. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
Thanks for the wolf factoid. My cat will play this game where she lovingly wraps her front paws around my arm and inserts her claws just enough to be felt. If I pull away the claws fully extract and scratch the hell out of me. The other option is to not move for the rest of my life or until she gets bored.
I go back and forth between who I hate more, Junior or his father. Hopefully, given his age and unhealthy habits, Trump will be dead sooner rather than later, if the gods be good. Junior, I hope, lives a very long life of scorn, shame and poverty after this is all over. And I hope I live long enough to see every day of…
I can so relate. I know what it means to have my blood boil and feel its heat burning in my chest to the point where I feel like if I don’t scream it out or cry it out I’m going to fucking explode.
I dont see the J? Maybe a backwards J, but that’s it?
Right. Like if you waited all your life, what’s another couple weeks to allow for an FBI investigation? Regardless, he’ll always have an asterisk next to his name if/when confirmed.
“That laughter exists on a continuum—it’s the same laughter men share after they’ve appraised your body publicly. The catcalls and lewd comments they hurl your way are a performance for the men around them: your body just a platform for them to bond over. It’s an act of performed masculinity, which in a public setting…
I watched this encounter and cried at my desk at work. I hear you Ms. Archila. I believe you. What happened to you does matter. What you are doing now matters tremendously.
Hello random Male idiot from Germany. I would like to escape this current hell spiral of the USA. Please adopt me.
He keeps saying he doesn’t doubt Dr. Ford was assaulted, just that it wasn’t him. Why the fuck would someone put themselves through this if they weren’t 100% categorically certain of what they knew? Someone please ask him that question.
He keeps saying he doesn’t doubt Dr. Ford was assaulted, just that it wasn’t him. Why the fuck would someone put them…
I hope trump sees his tears as weakness and withdraws the nomination. To be sure, I encourage men to cry and show emotion, but we all know trump only respects the toughest of tough men, and he’s probably sickened by this.
I love drunk history so much. This episode is excellent!
The crocodile tears talking his daughter wanting to pray for “the woman”. HIS FUCKING TEARS. I wish I could save them and drink them later. Lying rapist fuck ass.
Excellent deduction Noble.