Looks like these guys had a serious peanut allergy.
Looks like these guys had a serious peanut allergy.
“While I respect Kamitani as an artist, his work on Dragon’s Crown’s did nothing for me—it was way too much and grossed me out. But even if you dug it, this seems like a terrible adaptation and oh god oh god knees don’t work that way.”
The complaints from the side that they demand a “legit” female Link is primarily a first world problem. I don’t think it’s right for people to force an “author” to change the character to fit their personal needs.
Click bait
The mechanic is interesting but very frustrating once you end your run. Unless the game is amazing, I can’t convince myself to buy another copy to play the game again. If anything it would have been nice to see them implement a penalty of when you can spawn again. We could see that a death would leave you out of the…
I honestly agree with you. Gamers have become increasingly egotistical by demanding how people should make games for them. If it was so important then they should learn to design and program their own 60fps games. The developers can do what they want and run it at whatever frames they wish, as long as they don’t lie…
I find it difficult for anyone to hold a grudge against that smile. Miyamoto is possibly one of the happiest people I have ever seen.