Busters Hand

I'm losing my patience with this show, and I wasn't happy with the twist at the end like other people seem to be.

Some of men's greatest innovations come from sitting on the john.

Some of men's greatest innovations come from sitting on the john.

I think they're both amazing shows that join the upper levels of television. They're both helping the process of making television great and full of interesting things.

Oh absolutely, but there was something about this episode that echoed The Sopranos more than any other episode.

Yeah, I noticed that too. The whole episode felt like it was very Sopranos-esque in the way the narrative moved and how everyone was interacting with each other.

I was going to try and watch it, but it was hard for me because the previous hour of television completely suckered punched me and I was unable to pay attention to it.

Michael Stuhlbarg is one amazing actor, and I've only seen him in this, A Serious Man, and Hugo. I hope that guy breaks out big.

Van Alden becomes a vigilante in the vein of Omar but with a religious angle.

What an amazing season. Talk about a fantastic year for television. This and Breaking Bad probably trumped every movie I've seen this year, and I've seen a lot.

Getting the idea out of the way and just letting the film run its course actually makes the film better.

I think people focus too much on the twist in that movie. If you just let the movie go its course, you see some great Scorsese themes and motifs show up, and the dream sequences are actually fantastic. It gets better the more I think about it.

The movie actually gets a bit better with a second viewing, at least in my opinion. The first viewing for me was strange and uncomfortable, the second viewing felt like a dream (which is how most of my favorite movies feel).

I enjoy watching it as well. Out of all the procedural shows, it certainly is the most entertaining. The cast has decent chemistry, the show moves along, and the action is serviceable. It's no The Wire or Golden Era Law and Order, but the syndicated episodes will do me well when nothing else is on.