Busters Hand

The way this second season is depicting how you desperately try to cling to the general happiness you're having by doing something rash and possibly dumb just so you don't slip back into another (inevitable) depressive episode is hitting way too close to home. Shit will hit the fan this season and it's not going to be

Nice little detail in the cold open's final shot with the color of the TV reflecting off Saul's glasses in all of the black and white.

And after years of surviving, it all ends for Mickey Doyle in a split second. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut for one second. (Poor Archie, too)

They're clearly trying to emphasize the parallel Nucky's rise (in which he sells his soul by giving Gillian to the Commodore in order to get noticed) and whatever his fall is this season. I agree, they're not really telling us anything we didn't know, but I like the way they are acting as nice visual thematic

Pretty funny when you consider he almost bit the dust for good back in season 1.

Normally I'd agree with you but both characters ended their story perfectly tonight, and this is that calm before the storm kind of episode, but at its absolute best.

Regarding the ear motif, I've noticed that one of Nucky's flaws is that he simply doesn't listen to advice given to him, and he's always doing the exact opposite. He's not the kind of guy to like criticism, even when it's right. He especially doesn't listen to the complaints of others who work for and with him, which


Meat Cleaver got a chuckle out of me.

This season was GREAT. Even when it wasn't perfect, it was exciting. Easily in the upper echelon of 24 seasons. This seasons shows how great this series can be even when it's just business as usual.

I hope they took Tim Riggins and he finally found peace.

Shit is getting real.

At first I was pissed at the Heller switcharoo (now we know why there was no silent clock).

Walkabout is still one of television's finest hours. People may not remember the show too fondly, but when it first aired, Lost was probably one of the best new shows and Walkabout was proof the pilot wasn't a fluke.

Well that, and, y'know, the last time we saw Dina Araz, the fucking Mummy had her shot to death.

According to the episode listing, it seems for a while they're keeping to a straight timeline and then for the last few episodes jump around until they get back to 11am.

One show's earned A is not equal to another show's earned A. Mad Men has different goals from 24.

"I guess we're gonna need some more of those CIA guys, huh?"

Doesn't the CIA know by now that when it's too easy it's ALWAYS a trap? That's like one of the KEY rules of 24.

Harry gets so much shit from the other characters on the show when he's actually on their side and is a pretty valuable person in the company.