
ugh always hated slj's cigarette in that scene… smoking the filter. gross.
And yes I get that its probably a happy accident from retakes that led to a scene with greater tension.
Still gross!

cmon, a putz with a heart of gold sleeping with the hot and evil popular chick by masquerading as her cruel jock boyfriend, and then blowing her mind by how much better he is in bed, isn't worthy of a victim support group. It may be worthy of a medal.


there's a deleted scene in the criterion version where he rapes the corpse afterward, so don't give this monstrous film the pass yet.

considering how fat america has gotten since the 80s, it just seems odd now.

the first stage of rohypnol intoxication is uncontrollable laughter, so "appreciate" may be the wrong word. Let me run some more tests.

The usual line is that rape "is never funny." Ever. Even prison rape (cmon, it's criminal dudes! )
Which is what I'm talking about, it's a ridiculous assertion.

so did murder, starvation, suicide, and all kinds of horrifically comical accidental deaths that provide prime comedic material for comics everywhere. Of course, those are different, right?

So when do they "deserve it?" are we talking strict biblical eye for an eye? Do only murderers on the silver screen deserve to die, or are there lesser offenses (like snatching mel gibson's kid?) Do rapists deserve rape? Or are they undeserving victims too?
I like to think in a movie if we simply "don't like" a

a rhetorical question on a thread about made up characters from a movie from the 80s.

Question: if a transgendered person sleeps with a heterosexual person of the opposite sex with out telling them the truth, is it rape?

Interesting attitude. by that token, it's wrong to laugh at anything bad happening to any bad person in any movie, because implying they 'had it coming' is blaming the victim.

aren't the women they exploit pretty terrible people though?

well, I think I'm good, my strategy is to limit my humor exclusively to faith-based family friendly knock knock jokes.

"logical fault?"
Let me unpack it for you.
Topics are taboo because they get a deep emotional response from some people, who shame other people into reacting about them the same way. One way that happens is if something is a recent event (the holocaust in 1950).
The other, because it's simply on people's minds (news

rape as a topic of humor is like the holocaust was in the 50s.

no "uhh yeah dude?"