
my guess is that the Swanson family somehow amassed a fortune in gold, and Ron ended up with it when he killed the bear that killed his father. Probably with his bare hands. When he was eight.

Do they substitute the Colombian cartels for the Mexican cartels? And I wonder if the Gus character is still from Chile.

Is it too late to say SPOILERS? Anyway, I think it was kind of a narrative misstep to make Hans so calculating and evil.

The random stabbing was the Golden Girls trying to clean up Red's mess behind her back.

there is the scene where Caputo mentions that she was the Warden's secretary before becoming his assistant. He goes on to insinuate that she only got her position of power by brown-nosing, which is obviously from his (unreliable) perspective, but the career path of secretary to assistant to the warden means that she

well, technically she's not a nun either.

I was also surprised at her shock. It even seemed like the show was setting their marriage up as a cynical pairing, where she's with him because she wants a child and he uses her for political cover.