
He sure played a mean pinball, though.

I’m surprised you didn’t yell at the kids to get off your lawn....  one curmudgeon to another.

The cable in the wall is either: too long, getting too much interference (because it isn’t shielded and because it is too close to some AC wires along the run), or the jacks on either end need to be punched down again. So, out of all of that, the only easy thing you can do is get the punch tool and repunch both ends

Make a rechargeable version, with all of that (including swim), and I’m there.   Edit:  Looks like that would be the Steel HR.

Make a rechargeable version, with all of that (including swim), and I’m there.   Edit:  Looks like that would be the

Close, but this can happen to a person of any age. It is called nose blindness. It is a defense mechanism. The more you wear a scent, the more you need to wear to be able to smell it as your brain (over time) tunes that smell out. You think you aren’t wearing that much, but in fact you are bathing in it and need to

I was thinking this too, as well as Xyzal being OTC now, too. It should be up there in that category with Zyrtec. Out of all those “newer” allergy meds, Zyrtec works for me a little bit and Xyzal works a bit better. I try not to use Xyzal all the time because I don’t want my body to get used to it, so hopefully I can

People develop allergies over time to the environment they are in. This isn’t to say that there isn’t some “happy medium” between zero exposure and “too much repeated exposure”, but I’m not sure what that amount is. I am sure, from observation, that the longer you live in an area, the more your acute specific

One problem doesn’t necessarily make the whole font bad. If all fonts had to be 100% perfect before you used them, nothing would ever get done. There wouldn’t be applications like FontForge or other font editors.

This screw driver isn’t working very well as a hammer, so I better throw it away and use this brick instead.

How about considering many fonts make the space less than the average letter width? This puts the sentences too close together. Fonts that have a space width that is equal to the average or greater than average of it’s letter widths is easier to read. By using two spaces, you separate the sentences more than a comma

Actually, Melania’s hands are bigger. If you rotated both hands to horizontal, you’d see clearly that her hands are significantly larger. In the picture, her hand is held at a steeper angle than his.

What about the second person to make the joke that shall not be named? What do they get? (I’m really hoping for a million dollars, but I’d settle for $5.)

What about the second person to make the joke that shall not be named? What do they get? (I’m really hoping for a

You made the classic mistake of taking a guy with a sarcastic cat avatar far more seriously than you should have. You lose 1.2 internets for today. ;p I was teasing about how strong vinegar smells burns your nose so maybe it isn’t really removing odors so much as it is just burning away your ability to smell. Now that

O’douls equivalent of whiskey? ;P

6'1" here and I paid the same price for my ticket. Your rights end where my rights begin. You are not entitled to make me miserable. If you gently recline your seat back, I’ll likely let it be and just make do even though my knees were already pressing into the back of your seat because I literally do not have enough

I’ve used an electric heating pad on low, under a towel, in a box with the bowl of bread on top of the towel. Substitute box for ice chest, cabinet, oven, dishwasher (assuming it’s clean).... ;)

Fascinating! I’m glad I asked. Thank you for taking the time to give such a thorough response, too.

What kind of work do you do?

Amazon has the Waste King L-8000 with a 15% off coupon code bringing it down to $102 for one with a lifetime warranty and twice as much power.

Amazon has the Waste King L-8000 with a 15% off coupon code bringing it down to $102 for one with a lifetime

I have a variation of this. I ask myself: “What would a smart person do?” and I do that, usually. When I can figure it out, that is. Sometimes the answer is, “Apparently I am not quite there yet, so I must punt.” I’ve learned a number of lessons from punting.