
You can acknowledge your kids request, acknowledge that they may be disappointed/sad/or otherwise bummed about it, and the answer is still no. No negotiating, no “diverting” which is really just another form of negotiation. Your kids can find a solution to their boredom / disappointment on their own. If they can’t,

Bear arms from what I hear though.... that’s pretty sweet. I could use me some bear arms. Anyone wanna arm wrastle?

Tap water is tested to EPA standards. You can read about those standards online and see what is in your water and how much. Spreading fear mongering about tap water is bullshit. Look at the actual data for YOUR water and make decisions for yourself. Encourage others to look at the actual data for THEIR water because

I’m sorry for your hearing loss. I am thankful for you sharing your message. People generally don’t seem to understand the simple fact that hearing loss is cumulative and permanent. It comes on little bit by little bit and it is very simple to prevent. (I’m guilty of being places that were too loud without hearing

My question wasn’t rhetorical, though my follow-on thought was a little tongue in cheek. Turns out today isn’t much different. So one one hand I’m thankful that it isn’t a crap-fest. On the other hand, I have different fingers. How about you?

How was your day? On a scale of 1 to blows goats, mine wasn’t terrible I guess. ;) Hope yours was better.

I hear that bonus points are given for finding new and creative ways...

No garlic? No wine? No black pepper? You animal!

I rarely get headaches. Maybe a few times a year. In most cases they go away on their own. When a headache doesn’t go away I take 600mg ibuprofen and it goes away and stays gone. I know from experience that for me I don’t even bother with 400mg ibuprofen. Either the headache isn’t bad enough for me to take anything or

Please add up the calories from 1/8th inch pat of butter and the 14 calories from the canola oil spray and let me know how much fat you think is being added to the patty that starts off at 1/3 pound so I can tell you that the point isn’t about cutting fat. It’s about having hamburgers that don’t shrink 20% in size

You’re all amateurs. Real power comes from napping standing up on the edge of a tall building or cliff. If you can fall asleep there, you can fall asleep anywhere. When you eventually fall over and happen to survive, you know it was meant to be.

People that recognize the value of doing a f-ing google search and figuring out what a car is worth before letting a no haggle dealer overcharge you? Yeah, those searches are so stressful. Or maybe you mean people that realize that regardless of whether it is $40 a month or $2400 up front, it is still coming out of my

Can you do basic math? What is $20 x 60. I’ll wait. Now double that and you have $40 x 60. There is a lot I can do with an extra $2400. If you can afford to let go of $2400 due to laziness, then just pay someone to negotiate / procure the car for you. You’ll save money and you’ll contribute to someone else’s

I go in educated and give the dealer my no haggle price. They take it or leave it. I see what I can get the car for from any dealer across the nation. Having a car shipped costs around $1000 give or take depending on your location. Either my local dealer saves me money or a much bigger dealer saves me money. With a

Monkey Lesbian Moose? What does that have to do with the under-cathedral orgy?

What happens between consenting adults under the floors of an old cathedral is fine by me, unless membership to the religion is compulsory...then we’ve got problems.

Some people may be into that kind of ritual exhibition experience. I don’t judge.

I assumed you were talking about manuals, but I wanted just clarify for anyone seeing this that the advice applies to manual and can be very VERY bad for automatic.

Generally speaking, putting a manual in neutral while coasting downhill is okay, though depending on the hill you may end up coasting too fast which requires braking or engine braking to slow down. Putting an automatic transmission into neutral is generally not a good idea as when you put it back into gear at speed

And now we know that someone could try to pull off the same feat with a high dexterity check, or brute force strength check. Watch the bumblefuck with the ridiculously high luck pull it off...he stumbles, trips, falls and accidentally satisfies said dragon. The real test is the character that pulls it off from